Christian Churches of God
No. 272

Outline Timetable of the Age

(Edition 7.5 19981121-20021020-20061108-20101025-20111122-20120601-20131228-20171220-20200508-20221231)
The age we live in has a finite time scale, a plan and a specific purpose. This timetable gives an overview of what has happened over the period of Bible prophecy leading up to the end of this age. Soon the god of this world will be removed and the new millennial system will commence under Jesus Christ. This work helps us to understand what is happening in that process.
Christian Churches of God


(Copyright © 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2017,2020, 2022 Wade Cox)

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Outline Timetable of the Age


The Age of this world is determined from the creation as it is framed in the week. There are seven days in the creation. The first six days form the current age of which Satan was made the God of this world. That period did not begin until the Garden of Eden was closed and the earth was changed. The Seventh Day or Sabbath Day was represented by the Seventh Day of the Creation. That also represents the last thousand years and the millennial reign of Jesus Christ who becomes the Morning Star who takes rule of this earth.

The Jubilees form the basis of the Temple Calendar. The current Age of the 6000 years can be determined accurately from the Bible texts.

We know that each day represents a thousand years of the creation from 2Peter 3:8. This work tells us that the age is represented by a day as a Thousand years. This has been the understanding of the church for two millennia.

2Peter 3:1-10 This is now the second letter that I have written to you, beloved, and in both of them I have aroused your sincere mind by way of reminder; 2that you should remember the predictions of the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Savior through your apostles. 3First of all you must understand this, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own passions 4and saying, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things have continued as they were from the beginning of creation.” 5They deliberately ignore this fact, that by the word of God heavens existed long ago, and an earth formed out of water and by means of water, 6through which the world that then existed was deluged with water and perished. 7But by the same word the heavens and earth that now exist have been stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men. 8But do not ignore this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9The Lord is not slow about his promise as some count slowness, but is forbearing toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. 10But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a loud noise, and the elements will be dissolved with fire, and the earth and the works that are upon it will be burned up.

It is thus seen that the age is comprised of Seven Days with each day representing 1000 years and as each Jubilee is of 50 years the age is made up of 120 Jubilees of this age and the millennial day of rest of Jesus Christ is 20 Jubilees and the Second Resurrection is comprised of two Jubilees and the New Age of the City of God begins.  God’s Calendar is thus critical to the understanding of the age and for that reason Satan has spent so much time and effort to destroy the understanding of the Jubilees in Israel, and Judah has no knowledge of the Jubilees due to their traditions and the Babylonian Calendar they have adopted and the alleged 49-year Jubilee which is a total fabrication of the Pharisees who never had control of the Calendar system nor of the Temple for any significant period.

In order to get back to the Creation period one merely has to identify the true Jubilees from the Bible system and then simply use those dates to identify the correct year of the date of the creation.  It is for that reason that Bishop Ussher and the scholars of the KJV could arrive at 4004 BCE as the date of the Creation. Also Bullinger could have a different chronology to Ussher with different dates due to the historical and archaeological understanding of the nineteenth century versus the understanding and dating of the seventeenth with Ussher. CCG could also agree on the date 4004 BCE as the date of Creation, yet CCG could also utterly disprove both Ussher and Bullinger and their chronologies which are out by many years.

However, all three are in agreement as to the original date of the creation because they were all able to be in agreement as to the Jubilees and their dates in the historical texts as identified from the Bible and known history. It is in the same way that Whiston, in his writings, was able to correctly identify the true Jubilees using the Roman records and Josephus’ identification of those records even though Josephus himself was way off in using the Pharisaic system. CCG was also able to identify and disprove the Rabbinical and Pharisaic systems of dating by using even more modern archaeological systems which further confirms the dates of the Jubilee used by the biblical authorities even though Ussher and Bullinger were completely wrong in some areas of the understanding of the history (see for example Appendix 50 of the Companion Bible).

Many people in the various churches have no understanding of the Jubilees and the problems of the Calendar. One person of the Churches of God has even claimed that CCG uses Ussher’s chronology. Nothing could be further from the truth. Ussher and Bullinger and Whiston simply understood when the Jubilees occurred and in understanding 2Peter 3:8 could reconstruct the calendar back to the creation. Yet they are completely wrong in their chronology of biblical history.

Let us examine the history of the Age.

This age can best be understood by reference to the life of Moses. Moses was saved from extinction in the ark of bulrushes and brought up in the royal household of Egypt. At the age of forty years he became aware of his identity, and was sent into the land of Midian to prepare himself for the next forty years in which he would bring God’s chosen people out of Egypt and Sin, through forty years wandering in the wilderness.

The 120 years of Moses’ life represents the 120 Jubilees, or six thousand years of the duration of this age. The same analogy can be seen in the kingship under Saul, David and Solomon (cf. the paper Rule of the Kings Part I: Saul (No. 282A)).

We find there is a slight drop in the age because the time of the god of this world is cut short. If it were not cut short there would be no flesh left alive.

Matthew 24:21-22 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened. (KJV)

However, the time frame is not cut short from the time of the birth of Messiah to the beginning of the period of the end, but rather over the last thirty years leading to Atonement 2027. This is the period of the mourning for Moses. There are two periods given in the time measurement to the creation of Adam. The Chronology based on the Jubilees places the creation at 4004 BCE and has been noted since Ussher and others.  Modern Jewish Chronology is much shorter. For example, we shall take the chronology based on the Jubilees as used by Ussher, Bullinger, Whiston and CCG (cf. also Appendix 50 of the Companion Bible, as prepared by Bullinger). The chronology of principal events is detailed in a series of tables as follows which are from CCG research and have nothing to do with previous chronologies.

The two differing chronologies of the Patriarchs from the Septuagint and the Masoretic Text (MT) are in the Appendix. They explain why the early church following the LXX had the coming of the Messiah many centuries before the MT and was why they expected Messiah very soon instead of the two millennia from the MT. This was the reason Paul told the church not to be concerned with endless genealogies because one was hopelessly out of tune with the other and challenged the inspiration of Genesis. We will follow the MT in this sequence and the proper 50-year Jubilee according to the Bible calendar.

It appears that the later Jewish system took a number of steps to conceal the calendar and the system of Jubilees and also in order to introduce the Babylonian system of intercalations which assisted their traditions.

Table 1  Structure of the eras

4026 BCE Earth tohu and bohu (without form and void. God did not create it that way i.e. tohu and bohu, Isa. 45:18).
4024/3-4005/4 Notional Jubilee of Eden begins and Adam’s notional life
4005/4 Creation: Adam is created as an adult at 20 years. After 30 years he is judged and expelled. Satan is placed as god of this earth (cf. 2Cor. 4:4) and under trial.
3974 First Jubilee of the cursed earth.
2007 Nahor dies
2005/4 Notional end of the first era.
********* *****************
1998 Noah dies (950)
1996 Abraham born (cf. Bullinger 1991 years from the Nativity)
********* *****************
5 BCE Christ born
27 CE Jubilee with John the Baptist and Messiah.
30 CE Crucifixion
1996 End of the 2000 years and
End of the Time of the Gentiles.
********* *****************


Thirty Years Mourning for Aaron and the Reclamation of Jerusalem. End of the 2300 evenings and mornings.
1997-2027 Thirty years of the wars of the end. Corresponds to the month of the mourning for Moses and signifies the removal of the Princes, Priests and prophets of this age. End of the Sign of Jonah.
2021-2024 Period of the possible Advent of Messiah and subjugation of the planet.
2027/8 Jubilee Fortieth Jubilee since ministry of Messiah.
********* *****************
2028 Thousand years of the Millennium begins under Messiah.
3013-3027 Satan released. Wars of the Camp of the Saints (Rev. 20:7-9).
********* *****************
3028-3128 Second Resurrection of the Dead and 100 year judgment.
********* *****************
3128 City of God


There are a number of timelines and prophecies that run within this overall plan. We will examine them individually and then see them interlinked.

The kingship of Jerusalem

There is a significance of the rulership at Jerusalem.

Table 2

4005/4 BCE Creation
1005 BCE David enters Jerusalem and the control passes to the kingship in Judah. Halfway through the era of the creation and nations.
5 BCE Messiah born. The Exilarchs are removed from rulership prior to this event. Messiah is in effect the prince of Judah over the period to 30 CE.
27CE Jubilee Acceptable year of the Lord. 4000 years of the closure of Eden.
30 CE Messiah hailed as king and executed. Forty Jubilees in the wilderness begins under the Sign of Jonah.
1996 6000th anniversary of the creation.

3000th anniversary of David’s entry to Jerusalem.

2000th anniversary of the Messiah’s birth.

1997 Beginning of the transition of the age and the destruction of its existing order.
2018-2024 Period of the Witnesses and the

Advent of the King-Messiah at Jerusalem.

2027 Jubilee of the end of the age.
2028 Millennial rule from Jerusalem.


This shows the time-frame of the transition of the age and the priesthood of Melchisedek to Aaron and back to Melchisedek at Jerusalem. Aaron’s priesthood was given 1,000 years in Jerusalem plus the life of Messiah and the Sign of Jonah in its first phase. This was 1075 years.

To understand the Sign of Jonah, we must first examine the Fall of Israel and Judah, and then examine the History of the Reconstruction of the Temple. In examining these scriptural timetables, we will see the witness of the Scriptures in Ezekiel and in Ezra and Nehemiah declares God’s Jubilee Calendar. Messiah will confirm both the calendar and the prophecies.

The kingdoms of Israel and Judah

Notice here, David is seven years at Hebron, before he begins to rule from Jerusalem. This period is reminiscent of the Seven days of the fall of Jericho (cf. the paper The Fall of Jericho (No. 142)). This also has relevance for the Last Days.

Table 3

1012 BCE David reigns seven years at Hebron.
1005 David’s entry to Jerusalem as King of Israel (33 +7=40 yrs).
974/3 Jubilee
972 Death of David and Solomon reigned.
968 Temple constructed in the fourth year and sixth year of Solomon.
932 Death of Solomon. Kingdom torn from Rehoboam and divided because of Solomon’s idolatry.
722 Sargon II destroys Samaria after a three-year siege and the death of Shalmaneser V in 722. Israel was taken captive in three stages: Reuben, Gad and half of Manasseh in east Jordan under Pul or Tiglath Pileser III. Then they were followed into Media by the west Israelite tribes under  Sargon II who also had destroyed the Hittites (Hatti or Kalti) in northern Syria, the Chaldeans in Urartu. Judah followed later.
605 Battle of Carchemish. Nebuchadnezzar defeats Egypt.
598/7 Jehoiakin’s captivity (2WeAdar or 14/15 March 597)
594 Ezekiel’s Vision (30th year) (1st scriptural witness)
587 Fall of Jerusalem
574 Jubilee Year
Judah sent into captivity for breaking the land Sabbaths and the calendar.
525 Cambyses enters Egypt (see Table 5).
27 CE Messiah declares the Jubilee as the Acceptable Year of the Lord (NT witness)
1799 CE 2520 years of seven times from Israel’s captivity. All Israel settled into the birthright lands.
1916-1948 Establishment of the Jewish homeland.
2021-2027 Return of the King.


Reconstruction of the Temple

We can now proceed to look at the history of the reconstruction of the Temple before we go on to the Sign of Jonah.

Table 4

539 BCE Conquest of Babylon by Cyrus and Darius the Mede son of Astyages called Xerxes by Daniel.
538/7 Edict of Cyrus and return of the exiles to Palestine but not to Jerusalem (exact date uncertain).
530-522 Reign of Cambyses
525 Cambyses occupation of Egypt.
522 Reign of the Magi
521 Darius I
516 Prophecy of the seventy years expires (Jer. 25:8-14; Dan. ch. 9). Jerusalem could not have been inhabited until this date. Land Sabbaths.
486 Xerxes 1. Letter written to him; no reply recorded. (Ezra 4:6)
465 Artaxerxes I (real name Cyrus also called Macrocheir or Longimanus). Stops construction of the Temple and all construction ceases until the reign of Darius the Persian (Ezra 4:7-24).
424 Xerxes II (no biblical record)
423 Darius II issues decree to commence construction in 422. Seventy Weeks of Years commences.
418 Construction of the Temple completed in sixth year of Darius on 3 Adar.
404 Artaxerxes II
398 Provisioning decree issued for the return of Ezra (Ezra 7:1-26).
385 Second decree of Artaxerxes II; Nehemiah is made governor of Judea (385-372). Walls of Jerusalem are reconstructed (Neh. 5:14).
375/4 First seven weeks of years of the first anointed one of Daniel 9:25.
374/3 Jubilee year and the Reading of the Law. (2nd scriptural witness)
323 Ezra dies in the same year as Alexander the Great (Seder Olam Rabbah 30).
27 CE Messiah announces the Jubilee as the Acceptable Year of the Lord.
63 CE End of the 62 weeks of years and the effective elimination of the tithe. Martyrdom of James brother of Christ, first bishop of Jerusalem.
70 CE End of the Seventy Weeks of Years and the destruction of the Temple.
73CE Fall of Judea and the Masada.

The Seventy Weeks of Years of Daniel 9:25 (which is mistranslated in the KJV) does not go from the reign of Artaxerxes I to the fifteenth year of Tiberias in 27 CE as is commonly thought. Artaxerxes I actually stopped construction on the Temple and all construction ceased until the reign of Darius II or Darius the Persian.

This period ties into the Sign of Jonah and the ministry of Messiah in its judgment and destruction of Judah and Jerusalem. It is covered in the paper The Sign of Jonah and the History of the Reconstruction of the Temple (No. 013)See also Completion of the Sign of Jonah (No. 013B)

Modern so-called Christianity aided by rabbinical Judaism has done its best to conceal this very important prophecy and time-frame from public view.

The Sign of Jonah

We can now look at the Sign of Jonah and its importance to the Last Days.

Table 5

422BCE Decree issued by Darius II, Seventy Weeks of Years begins.
375/4 Seven weeks of years of the first anointed one Nehemiah (cf. Dan. 9:25 RSV).
374/3 Jubilee and Reading of the Law.
27 CE Jubilee. John the Baptist commences to preach. Christ baptised and declares the Acceptable Year of the Lord (cf. Lk. ch. 4). The day’s journey of Jonah into Nineveh.
28 CE Christ commences his ministry. Preaches for two years to 30 CE (on a year for a day basis with Jonah).
30 CE Christ ends his ministry and is crucified. He spends three days and three nights in the belly of the earth as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish. He is resurrected and ascends to heaven.
63 CE James, brother of Christ and bishop of Jerusalem martyred by Judah. Priesthood given up to greed and perversion. They are destroyed.
70 CE Judah is given forty years to repent on a year for a day basis with Nineveh. They do not repent and the city is surrounded by Roman armies under Titus on 1 Abib. The Temple is destroyed on Atonement of the first year of the last seven- year cycle.
71 CE The Temple at Leontopolis in Egypt is ordered closed by Vespasian. The last Jewish sacrifice ends.
71 End of the Sign of Jonah in its second phase by 1 Nisan or Abib.
73 CE Fall of Judea and the Masada
77 CE Jubilee
1977 Thirty-ninth Jubilee of the Sign of Jonah.
1997 End of the Time of the Gentiles (cf. Table 6). Beginning of the Month of YearsThe  Mourning for Mosesthe Removal of the Princes, Priests and Prophets (cf. Measuring the Temple (No. 137)) and the Destruction of the Last Days (cf. Tables 7; 11-12).
1998 Reading of the Law in the twenty-first year of the fortieth Jubilee.
2020 The first year of the last seven-year cycle of the Sign of Jonah. The nations or Gentiles were given forty Jubilees on a Jubilee for a year basis to Judah and a Jubilee for a day basis for Nineveh. The  Messiah commences destruction of the nations that do not repent.
2027 The fortieth Jubilee of the Sign of Jonah. Every rule and every authority and every religious system of this world or of this age is destroyed.
******* *****************
2028 The millennial system commences under the Law of God.


Time of the Gentiles

Nebuchadnezzar was given a vision that showed him the sequence of the kingdoms of this earth. These were explained to him by the prophet Daniel and the sequence is contained in Daniel chapter 2. He was also given a vision that explained the time-frame of the kingdoms and the duration was given as seven times. He would be given seven times of madness and his kingdom would be bound with a stump.

This sequence ties in to the prophecy of Pharaoh’s broken arms and the Fall of Egypt given through the prophet Ezekiel in chapters 28-30 (cf. the paper The Fall of Egypt: The Prophecy of Pharaoh’s Broken Arms (No. 036)).

Prophecy of Pharaoh’s Broken Arms

Table 6

605 BCE Battle of Carchemish. Egypt defeated by Nebuchadnezzar who later became king of Babylon ruling for one year conjointly with his father.
ca 565 End of the “arm” of forty years. Egypt rearms. Second “arm” of 40 years begins.
525 Cambyses defeats Egypt and this time enters and occupies it.
605BCE-1916CE Seven times of the great idol of the empires passes.
1876-77 Sabbath year and Jubilee.
1877 From the Jubilee of 1877 the Islamist and Arab nationalist opposition to Europeans had developed to the extent that by 1882 opposition to European influence and settlement in the Middle East led to growing tension amongst native groups and leaders, especially in Egypt which then, as now, was the most powerful, populous, and influential of Arabian nations.
1881 A large military demonstration in September forced the Khedive Tewfiq to dismiss his Prime Minister and rule by decree. Hundreds of European and allied Egyptian persons were murdered and thousands more were targeted for terrorism.
1882 France and Great Britain sent warships to Alexandria to bolster the Khedive amidst a turbulent climate and protect European lives and property.

By June, Egypt was in the hands of nationalists and the new army revolutionary government began nationalizing all assets in Egypt. Anti-Christian and anti-European Arabs infiltrated Alexandria and began terrorizing the populace eventually seizing parts of the city.

1882 In August the combined Anglo-French-Indian army easily defeated the Egyptian Army at Tel El Kebir in September and took control of the country putting the Khedive Tewfiq back in control.
1897 Sixth year of the cycle; the First Zionist Congress held. This set in train a number of events that also saw the British Empire move towards establishing the Jewish Homeland.
1906 British rule in Egypt was questioned with the Denshaw Incident. The German Empire set up what was to become a serious long-term problem which would carry on into two world wars and then into post WWII conflicts and on into what will be WWIII at the end of this final period up to the Jubilee of 2027.
1912 The Sabbath Year; the Italians began to move into North Africa also. The European nations began to move towards world war with the actions of Germany and the Austro-Hungarians.
1912-1914 Europe began to stumble into WWI through its imperialist ambitions.
1914 WWI starts. Britain becomes effectively the “king of the South” occupying Egypt.
1916 Europe had developed into the major conflagrations that saw the demise of massive numbers of its people. This conflict was exactly seven prophetic times or 2520 years from the Battle of Carchemish and the establishment of the Babylonian Empire.
1916-1917 Commonwealth moves against Turkey.
1917 The Commonwealth forces took Palestine at Beersheba. Palestine conquered. Then the Balfour declaration made for the establishment of the Jewish homeland and Australia took Jerusalem. Also the modern state of Iraq is later created from the war.
1918 The Ottoman Empire fell with the defeat of Germany and was ultimately placed as a NATO ally with the Northern forces of the biblical King of the North.
1939 The British Forces were back in occupation of Egypt for WWII.
1941 Italians were defeated in East Africa at the Battle of Gondar in November.
1947-97 This period saw the War for Jewish Independence fought and the Arab armies defeated. This last 50 years was the last period until the end of the Time of the Gentiles. 1997 began the last 30 years of the Last Days.
1953 Egypt declares the republic under Nasser.
1956 Suez crisis



Jerusalem retaken in the Six Day War. All West bank occupied.

This event was part of the Heavenly Signs.






The period of the Mourning for Aaron as the Temple was reclaimed but unable to be occupied except for the Wailing Wall.
1991 Arab conflicts of many years culminate in the UN intervention and the Gulf War.
1996 Fundamentalism of Islam forces the Coptic Church in Egypt to seek reunion with Rome.
1997 World poised for conflict.

Establishment of the Empire of the Beast with the last union of the Ten Toes of Daniel chapter 2.

The end of the last thirty years in the wilderness.


This sequence allows us to then examine the Time of the Gentiles.

Time of the Gentiles

Table 7

605 BCE 1914-1916 CE is the Seven Times from Nebuchadnezzar.
525 BCE 1996 is Seven Times from Cambyses invasion. This ties in to the period of the 3,000 and 2,000- year anniversaries of the entry of David and the birth of Messiah and his presentation to the prophets at the Temple at Jerusalem.


End of the Time of the Gentiles or the Times of the Nations.
1997 Beginning of the Last Thirty years to the Millennium.


From this time the Babylonian stump that was bound is healed and is allowed to be reformed for the rule of the world under one world government. All nations will be destroyed as sovereign powers from this point onwards by the beast system. This beast of Revelation is a system of one world government under a false religious system in the Last Days. This beast turns on the religious system of the whore and destroys it. The sequence is identified in Revelation (cf. The Messages of Revelation 14 (No. 270))Before we do this we need to now examine the period of the Church or woman in the wilderness pursued by the dragon. This is the period of the 1260 days of Revelation 12:6.

The 1260 Days of Revelation 12:6

Table 8

27-30 CE Christ undertakes his baptism and the trial and judgment of Satan. He is killed and taken to heaven (Rev. 12:1-5).
30 CE The Church at Pentecost is sent forth to preach the gospel and make disciples of all men.
170 CE


Worship of Attis enters the church at Rome as Binitarianism.
325-381 The false system of the Triune God enters the Church from Nicaea in the guise of Binitarianism. It was rejected as heresy at 327. Trinitarianism is established at Constantinople in 381 from Binitarianism.
381-590 The Trinitarian Wars occur under the first Catholic emperor Theodosius.
590 Pope Gregory I declares the Holy Roman Empire. Unitarianism is then persecuted by the so-called Roman Catholic or Triune system.
1179 Third Lateran Council The Waldensians are condemned and the Inquisition becomes established from following councils. The Albigensian Crusades are commenced. Sabbatarians are delivered up to be burned in large numbers from this time onwards. The Trinitarian Protestants were also involved in the persecution of the Church from the Reformation.
1806-1815 Napoleon disbanded the Holy Roman Empire until he was defeated at Waterloo.
1815 The Holy Roman Empire was resumed as a German confederation under Austrian presidency.
1823-1846 The last Inquisition under the so-called Holy Office of the Trinitarian church at Rome in the Papal States occurs. 200,000 people were sentenced to death, life imprisonment or the galleys and 1.5 million people were placed under constant surveillance.
1850-1872 The people voted to join the Italian Republic and the Holy Roman Empire came to an end. The 1260 years of the persecution in the wilderness came to an end. By 1872 their last show of armed force is disbanded.
1993 The basis of the Inquisition was again established under the Sacred Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, which is the new “Unholy Office.” We now await the last period of the persecutions of the Fifth Seal.


The persecutions of the Fifth Seal are mentioned in the paper The Seven Seals (No. 140). This now leads us into the time of The Fortieth Jubilee (table 9) and the Mourning for Aaron (table 10) and the Month of Years (tables 11 and 12).

The Fortieth Jubilee

The fortieth Jubilee actually has a carry over activity from the previous Jubilee, which relates to another prophecy.

Table 9

1967 Thirty days of the Mourning for Aaron. The period of the Idol Shepherd occurs and in the Temple of God. This ministry perverts the Temple of God in the Last Days.
1977/8 Jubilee
1978 Following on from the 1975 Lima agreement the power of the English-speaking people is deliberately undermined from within. Their industrial power is deliberately destroyed by their own politicians and civil servants.
1987-93 Measuring of the Temple begins at the House of God.
1994-1997 Dispersal and the preparation for the Month of Years commence.
1997 Month of Years begins.
1998 Reading of the Law occurs for the first time since at least the Desposyni were destroyed.
1997-2027 The Month of Years of the Mourning for Moses. The total destruction of every rule and authority takes place.
2006 The financial crisis that was to disrupt the global system was set up and in 2007 was unleashed in Europe and the Rest of the World by corruption in the US and in Europe.
2014 Some chemicals removed from Syria by Danish and Norwegian warships and carriers.
2014-15 NATO is forced to occupy the Middle East in the nations listed from Daniel 11:40-43.

Russia, with the complicity of China, forces the escalation of the War of the Fifth Trumpet which is a biochemical war into the release of the Four Angels at the Euphrates from Tartaros for this final phase.

War of the Sixth Trumpet starts.

2022-2025 Messiah intervenes and subjugates the nations.
2027/28 Fortieth Jubilee year. Messiah takes total rule of the planet.
2028 First year of the Jubilee of Jubilees since the Reading of the Law with Ezra and Nehemiah.


The two periods of activity we note here are divided into what we will call The Mourning  for Aaron and The Month of Years, or The Mourning for Moses.

The first thirty-year period relates to the rulership of the House of God and the second thirty-year period refers to the rulership of the nation and the wars of the Last Days.

The Mourning for Aaron

Daniel was told that at the Last Days the saints of the Most High would be overcome. This aspect related to the scattering of the power of the holy people, which was effectively the destruction of the Churches of God before it extended to the nation as a whole (Dan. 12:1-13). This first section of activity would be undertaken under the period of what was to be called the Idol Shepherd mentioned in Zechariah 11:16-17.

Table 10

590-1850 The period of the 1260 years of the Holy Roman Empire.
1851-1931 Subversion of the Churches of God now had to be undertaken through infiltration except for Turkey from 1925 where over one million Sabbatarians of Paulician descent sheltering within Bektashi Islam simply disappeared.
1932-1945 Many thousands of the Church were killed with Jews in the Holocaust.
1931-1978 Seventh Day Adventism is undermined by infiltrators and Trinitarianism is introduced through the ministry.
1932-1940 Herbert Armstrong joins the Church of God (Seventh Day) which is Unitarian. He forms the Radio Church of God and leaves them in 1940-42. He introduces Ditheism and the Hillel Calendar to the Church of God.
1967 Armstrong effectively seizes control of the ownership of the  Radio Church of God after the death of his wife Loma. Ditheism is refined. Doctrine is altered on a number of significant matters. The period of the Idol Shepherd begins.
1978 Adventists formally become Trinitarians.
1987 Seventh Day Baptists in the US become unequivocally Trinitarian. World creed is still nominally Unitarian.
1993 Worldwide Church of God becomes Trinitarian.
1995-1999 Church of God (Seventh Day) (Denver) announces Binitarianism and is formally Trinitarian and is dispersed from 1999 and by 2010 is effectively within CCG especially from Africa.

So also are the Seventh day Baptists and massive numbers of the SDAs in CCG by 2010.

1967-1997 Doctrines and effective declaration of the true biblical message are seriously damaged in the Churches of God save for CCG.


This thirty years of the final reduction of the power of the saints and their knowledge then leads in to the final period of the Month of Years, or the Mourning for Moses. Knowledge among the elect will now be consolidated.

During this period the nations will be reduced and broken by their own rebellion under the demons, in the process of the subjugation of the planet.

The Month of Years

The Month of Years or the final period, symbolised by The Thirty Days of Mourning for Moses, immediately prior to the move of Israel into the Promised Land, is the most serious and terrifying the world has ever seen.

In this period the prophecies concerning Israel through Ephraim and Judah will also be unfolded. These harvests will continue over the month, which shall devour them (cf. Hos. 5:7). This process is found also in Hosea 5:1-6:11 (cf. Measuring the Temple (No. 137)).

The 2300 Evenings and Mornings

The prophecy of the 2300 Evenings and Mornings of Daniel shall see the sanctuary cleansed. The first desecration of the Sanctuary occurred under Ptolemy Soter in 302 BCE. The next was under Antiochus Epiphanes in 167 BCE, who turned it into a Greek Temple.

The real relationship of the 2300 evenings and mornings has been explained in detail in the paper Advent of the Messiah (No. 210A).

The prophecy of Daniel where the He-goat that was Alexander came over the earth and threw himself at the prince of Persia marks the start point of the prophecy. This was the battle of the Granicus River in 334 BCE. The period of 2300 evenings and mornings or 2300 days ends in 1967. From 302 BCE we see the desecration period end in 1997-1998 and the system of the Beast in the last days begins.

The Israelis fought the Seven Day war and were victorious. The Arab Legion was committed in spite of Israeli requests that Hussein of Jordan remain neutral and as a result Jordanian controlled territories on the west Bank of the Jordan were occupied by Israel.

Thus after 2300 years from the first Battle of the Greeks on Persian soil Jerusalem passed back into Jewish hands. The Holy Land had been trodden underfoot for 2300 prophetic days from the Ptolemies and the Seleucids to the Romans and on to the Arabs

1967 marks the beginning of the days of the end and the end of the 2300 evenings and mornings when Jerusalem was returned to Judah. 1967 to 1996 is the end of the period of the Time of the Gentiles and the Last Thirty years beginning in 1967 was the period known as the Mourning for Aaron and marked the end of the period of the Gentiles and the position of Levi in Israel.

The prophecy concerning its return to its former state did not mean that the Temple would be rebuilt after 2300 prophetic days but rather that it would be returned to Judah at the end of the period and that portion has been fulfilled.

From 1987 the Temple of God began to be measured and by 1994 the Churches of God and the priesthood had been rejected and removed

From the year 1997 the last Thirty years of the Mourning for Moses began. This period of thirty years spans from 1997 to the Jubilee in 2027.

Christ will return in this period to save those who eagerly await him. If he did not cut it short there would be no flesh left alive. The final period is the subject of a series of papers in their own right and these shall follow (cf. also The Last Thirty Years: The Final Struggle (No. 219)).

The second period of the literal 2300 days or another period of an actual seven years at the time of the end will see the prophecies brought to a close and Messiah subjugate the false system. This period is mirrored in the period and prophecy of The Fall of Jericho (No. 142).

The actual time of the Advent is unknown and is dependent upon the order of the Living God.

However, it appears that the last period of the 2300 days or seven years is immediately prior to the Jubilee and therefore must run from no later than 2020 and end in 2027, but the period of the treble harvest must be allowed and therefore the nations have to be in place by the treble harvest in 2025. Thus Messiah can arrive no later than 2024.  For this time to be cut short it must allow for the Witnesses of 1263.5 days.

The Earliest Possible Case

Table 11

1997 End of the Time of the Gentiles.
1998 Reading of the Law in the twenty-first year of the fortieth Jubilee.
2019-2024 Inquisition commences 1 Nisan and lasts three and one half years.
2018- 2022 Two Witnesses of Revelation 11:2 prophesy over the same time and the earth is subdued by the wars of the fifth and sixth trumpet at the same time.
Trumpets The Heavenly Signs
2022-2024 Advent of Messiah
2022-2024 The fall of the nations and the battles of Armageddon.
2022-2024 The vials of the wrath of God.
2021-2026 Preparation for the Jubilee and restoration of the nations.
2024-2026 The second exodus (Isa. 66) and relocation of the nations.
2027 Fortieth Jubilee


This scenario is unlikely, as the time frame requires all activities to be contemporaneous. However, the Mayan calendar ceases at 2012 and the demons may have done this timetable as their own false time indicator. This scenario is examined in the paper 2012 and the Antichrist (No. 299D).

The requirement for the Witnesses to be in place for 1260 days, and to lie in the streets for a further three days before their resurrection, and then an immediate Advent, means that for every day they are not on the planet the entire scenario is put back by that amount of time.

Moreover, for every day the time is cut short here, it is added at the end of the millennial system, for the Wars of the Last Rebellion, or the Wars of the Camp of the Saints, as they might also be called from Revelation 20:7ff.

Probable Scenario for the 6000 Year Timeframe

The probable scenario for the 2027 Jubilee is as follows.

Table 12

1997 End of the Time of the Gentiles.
1998, 2005, 2012, 2019 Reading of the Law
2001 Last Wars of the kings of the North and South begin (Dan. 11). Infiltration of US and UK secret service and FBI structure and the economic institutions induce the US and UK to re-enter the Middle East in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Pressure on Islam to react forces escalation into full-scale WWIII.
2011-2012 From 2011-12 the Arab Spring develops significant turmoil and destabilises the Middle East. From 2001 the Islamists have pushed at the king of the North. NATO has assisted in the overthrow of Libya and other nations. The entire Middle East is unstable. The Islamists attempt to obtain control directed at the Islamic/Christian conflict. Iran and the Middle East is directed at becoming a nuclear and biochemical power with Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). Conflict escalates. Over the ensuing three years the conflicts progress to where Islam  attacks  Europe. Over the conflict that ensues the attempt is made to destroy Rome and Geneva through Italy, the Balkans through Turkey and Spain and Southern France through the Straits. Nuclear and Laser war causes superheating. Water levels rise. Areas of NW Europe and elsewhere are inundated.
2012-2014 US losses in Middle East cause problems. Drawdown of Forces sees relocation and reallocations. Trouble in the Americas develops.
2014-2015 Europe reorganises and counters Islamist attacks from northern Europe and occupies the Middle East.
2013-2015 Islam in Asia/North Africa in conflict with the Coalition. Conflict in Asia expands. Serious problems for Australia and the Pacific.












Degeneration of the planet. Civil War interactions in resistance to the beast system. One World Government pushed for and New World Order develops universal monetary system. Laser and other weapons developed and used in the escalating wars. Giant earthquakes develop and assist to destabilise the nations.

Wars of the Fifth and Sixth Trumpet occur developing from the false vaccines of the NWO Globalists and millions die from 2020-2024. War with Russia commences from the Globalist Bio-weapons labs in the Ukraine and elsewhere. Nuclear War commences (see No. 141C). NWO takes over the world amidst massive conflict Witnesses take up position in Jerusalem. The gods of this world are shoved down the throats of the populace as were the gods of Egypt under Moses.

2023/4-2026/7 Witnesses arrive and teach for 1260 days; they are killed and lie in the streets for three days. They are resurrected and rise to meet Messiah. False prophet killed; First Resurrection of the dead.
2026 and







Subjugation of the planet under the seven vials of the wrath of God and the battles of Armageddon. The European system is destroyed then the kings of the East are brought down over the dried up basin of the Euphrates to the valley of Jezreel.

The second exodus of Israel.

2027 The fortieth Jubilee since Messiah and the forty-ninth since the second Temple and the restoration under Ezra and Nehemiah (cf. Reading the Law with Ezra and Nehemiah (No. 250)).
2028 First year of the Jubilee of Jubilees; the beginning of the Millennium (see the paper The Golden Jubilee and the Millennium (No. 300)).


These wars and the problems faced by the planet will be explained later. In 2028 the planet will be restored to the law of God under Messiah.

Appendix A

Table of General Events

(NB: Jubilee Years in red; Sabbath Years in Blue)

4004    Adam created.


3973    First year of Satan’s 6000 years of rule.


Beginning of Day 1

3874    Seth b.  “Adam begat a son in his own likeness.”



3769    Enos b.


3679    Cainan b.



3609    Mahalaleel b.


3544    Jared b.




3382    Enoch b.“seventh from Adam”(Jude 14).



3317    Methuselah b.



3194    Adam’s “day of grace” begins when he is 810. (Gen. 6. 3).


3130    Lamech b.


3074    Adam d. (930).


3017    Enoch transported, fifty-seven years after Adam’s d.

2974    End of Day 1

2962    Seth d. (912).

2948    Noah b.



2864    Enos d. (905).



2769    Cainan d. (910).


2714    Mahalaleel d. (895).



2582    Jared d. (962).




2448    Japheth b.

2447    Ham b.

2446     Shem b. (Noah 502).



2353    Lamech d. (777).

2348    Methuselah d. (969) in the first month of the Flood year.

2348    The Flood year. (Noah’s 600th year Gen. 7.6, 11.)

2346    Arphaxad b. “two years after the Flood”.


2311    Salah b

2281    Eber b.


2247    Peleg b. “In his days the earth was divided (Gen. 10.25).


2217    Reu b.

2185    Serug b.


2155    Nahor b.

2126    Terah b.



2056    Terah’s “generations” begin with the b. of Haran.


2008    Peleg d. (289).

2007    Nahor d. (148).

1998    Noah d. (950)

1996    Abraham b. (some 1991 years                      from the nativity) (Bullinger holds this date but says 1992 years from the nativity incorrectly placing it in 4 BCE; Gruns Timetable places it before 2100 BCE which is incorrect).

1986    Sarah b.

1978    Reu d (239).

1974    End Day 2

1955    Serug d. (230).

1946?  Abraham’s First “Call”, in Ur of the Chaldees. (Acts 7.2-4).


1921    Terah d. (205). Abraham’s Second

“Call ” (Haran).

Bullinger dates the 430 years from here and incorrectly (see below).

(Abraham goes down into Egypt. Attempted destruction of the Seed)

1912    Abraham returns from Egypt

1911    Abraham (85) takes Hagar to wife (Gen. 16.3).

1910     Ishmael b. (Abraham 86)

1908    Arphaxad father of Salah d. (438)

1897    Covenant of Circumcision given by God (Abraham 99).

1896     Isaac b. (Abraham 100)

1891    Isaac becomes “the Seed” (Gen 21.10; 12.7) Ishmael “cast out”.

1878    Salah d. (433). The father of Eber, father of the Hebrews died.

1878    The 430 years of the sojourning of the children of Israel begins.


1873-63?         Isaac offered up

1859   Sarah d. (127). The only woman whose                                                                                           age is given in Scripture. For significance of this, cp. Gal. 4. In Sarah’s age we have, allegorically the period of duration of the Covenant up to the Messiah.

1856   Isaac (40) marries Rebekah.

1847/6 400 year bondage of the Sons of Israel begins with death of Shem as they were no longer under the protection of the Melchizedech priesthood (Acts 7:6 is referring to spiritual bondage).

1847/6 Shem (Melchizedek?) d. (600).  Abraham   (150) marries Keturah?

1836   Jacob b. (Isaac 60).


1821  Abraham d. (Isaac 75. Jacob 15).

1817 Eber d. (464), outlives Abraham by four years

1812? The Famine of Gen. 26.1. The cause of sale of the birthright?

1796  Esau (40) marries Hittite wives.


1773  Ishmael d. (137. Jacob 63).

Bullinger in his Companion Bible incorrectly provides the following dates for Jacob and his family and these dates are noted in brackets.

1764 Jacob works for Laban – 1st 7 yr period.

(1759 Bull.) Jacob (77) gets the Blessing, and flees to Padan-aram.

(1758 Bull.)  His “servitude” begins.

1757 Jacob m. Leah and then Rachel. 2nd 7yr period.

(1752 Bull.)  His marriages

1756 (1751 Bull.)  Reuben b.

1755 (1750 Bull.)  Simeon b.

1753  Judah b.

1752 Dan b.

1751 Napthali b.

1750 Gad b.

1749 Asher b.

(1749 Bull.)   Levi and Dan b.

1748 Issachar b.

1748  Judah and Naphtali b.

1747 Zebulun b.

(1747 Bull.)  Gad b.

(1746 Bull.)  Asher and Issachar b.

1746 Dinah b.

1745/4 Joseph b.

(1745 Bull) Zebulun and Dinah (twins?) & Joseph b.

(1742 Bull.)  Jacob’s bargain about the cattle.

(1739 Bull.)  Jacob flees -from Padan-aram

(1738 Bull)  Jacob meets Esau

(1737 Bull)  Jacob at Succoth

(1736 Bull.)  Jacob comes to Shechem.

(1732 Bull.) Dinah raped. Another attempt to destroy the “Seed”- by raising the country against the “tribe” (Cp. Gen. 34.30; 5.5)

(1731 Bull.)  Jacob at Beth-el.

1728  Rachel d. Benjamin b. Reuben forfeits the birthright to Joseph (17), to whom it rightly belonged  (Cp. 1 Chron. 5.1, 2.).

1727  Joseph sold (18).

1726 Jacob (110) joins his father Isaac (170) at Hebron (after a separation of thirty-three years).


1717 Joseph (28) in Egypt. Interprets butler’s dream.

1716  Isaac d. (180. Jacob 120. Joseph 29).

1715  Joseph (30) interprets Pharaoh’s dream.

1707  First year of famine.

1706 Second year of famine. Jacob (130) goes down into Egypt. The 215 years of the so-journing in Egypt begin. (Half of the 430 years from Gen. 12.4)

1705  Third year of the famine.

1701  Seventh year of the famine.

1689 Jacob d. (147), after seventeen years in Egypt. (Joseph 56.  Benjamin 39.)


1635  Joseph d. (110).


1612  Levi d. (137).


Slavery in Egypt begins with a new Pharaoh that did not know Joseph.

1535/4 Miriam b.

1531 Aaron b.

1529/8 murdering of the children begins

1528 Moses b.



1488 Caleb b.


1448/7 The Exodus. 430 years from Gen. 12.4, and 400 years from Gen. 21.l0

The Tabernacle set up. This year the people should have entered the Land.


1408    Miriam, Aaron, and Moses d.

1408    Entry into the Land.

1403    The “Wars of the Lord” end (Josh. 14.6-15). Caleb 85. Joshua hands over the leadership to Eleazar.

1396  Joshua d. (110).

1396  Othniel attacks Kiriath-sepher

First oppression:   Mesopotamia 8 years – 1388


1349   Othniel d.

Second servitude Moab 18 years

1332  Ehud raised up

Land had rest for 80 years (and Ehud judged them until he died (LXX)).


1253 Third oppression on death of Ehud;   Canaan 20 years under Jabin


1243-1234  Deborah and Barak raised under the oppression; Sisera is killed but Jabin continues.  They suppress Canaan and provide peace over their rule totalling 40 years.


Ca 1203 Fourth servitude Midian  7 years

Ca 1199  Gideon becomes judge. Midian was removed over seven years and a total period 40 years.


1160  Abimelech three years concurrent with Tola’s first three years as it was a usurpation.

1160 Tola 23 years

1157  Jair  22 years over Gilead but 18 of those were part of the vexation of Gilead on the other side of the Jordan and thus his clear judging was only 4 years over Israel (Jdg. 10:8).

1153 Jephthah 6 years

1148 Ibzan 7years

1142 Elon  10 years

1133  Abdon 8 years


1124 Fifth oppression under the Philistines 40 year.

1110 Samson judged 20 years.

1090 Eli, 40 years. (d. 98)


1051 Saul began to rule.

Samuel, 40 years [over both reigns of Eli and Saul].


1020   The “Reformation” 1Sam. 7.

1012/11  David commenced to Rule.

 (1000  According to Bullinger, and incorrectly,  this ends the 450 years of Acts 13.20, and 490 years from the year they should have entered into the Land.

This period according to Bullinger and the Companion Bible ends at a period 52 years too late and into the reign of David. The problem occurs from the earlier details of the Exodus but it is too involved for this paper).

The following dates are known.

1005  David’s entry to Jerusalem

974      End Day 3

968      Construction of the Temple commenced.

961      Temple completed.

960      Dedication of Temple.






722 Sargon II destroys Samaria and Israel taken captive. He also had destroyed the Hittites (Hatti or Kalti) in northern Syria, the Chaldeans in Urartu.

Celtic people (called Keltoi by Greeks) move into Britain from this time.



605      Battle of Carchemish. Nebuchadnezzar established supreme with the defeat of Egypt.

Prophecy of Pharaoh’s Broken Arms begins its first phase (Ezek. 28-30). First forty-year arm begins. Seven times of the vision begins.

587      Fall of Jerusalem


539      Conquest of Babylon by Cyrus and Darius the Mede, son of Astyages and uncle of Cyrus (called Xerxes by Daniel)

538/7   BCE Edict of Cyrus

525      Cambyses (530-522) invades Egypt. First phase and second forty-year arm ends.


522      Reign of the Magi

521      Darius I

516      Prophecy of the seventy years expires (Jer. 25:8-14; Dan. ch. 9).

486      Xerxes I (Ahasuerus)


465      Artaxerxes I real name Cyrus (called Macrocheir or Longimanus). Issues order to stop construction on the Temple.

424      Xerxes II no biblical record assassinated in 424 after 45 days by Sogdianus

424      Darius II assassinates Sogdianus and becomes king.

423      Darius II issues decree to commence construction in 422 (i.e. in his second year). Seventy Weeks of years commences 423/2 BCE (Dan. 9:25).

398      Provisioning decree issued for the return     of Ezra in seventh year of Artaxerxes II probably rewarding Jewish loyalty in the Egyptian rebellion 404-2.

385      Nehemiah is made governor of Judea from Nisan to 372.

This is the second letter or decree of Artaxerxes for the reconstruction of the gates and fortresses of the Temple and the walls of the city.

375/4 Completes the prophecy of the seven weeks of years of the first anointed one (Dan. 9:25). Thus it was forty-nine years and also the forty-ninth year of the Jubilee. The order to build the Temple was given in the first year of the Jubilee.

374/3   Thirty-second year of Artaxerxes.

334      Battle of Granicus.  2300 evenings and mornings end in 1967 with the recapture of Jerusalem by Judah. Palestine was reclaimed from 1916-1917, 2520 years from the rise of the Babylonian Empire. However, the 2300 evenings and mornings commenced from Alexander’s attack on Persia which began at the Battle of the Granicus River.


323      Ezra and Alexander the Great die in the same year (Seder Olam Rabbah 30).

Close of the Canon of the Scriptures until Messiah.

302      Invasion of Jerusalem and Desecration of the Temple by Ptolemy Soter. This being the earliest date of desecration the end of the 2300 evenings and mornings is in 1998. This being the earliest date 1999 CE is the earliest and most probable date of the accomplishment




167      Was the desecration by Antiochus Epiphanes. The Temple was turned into a Temple for Greek gods.




5 BCE Last year for the birth of Yahoshua the Messiah.

4          Death of Herod between 1-13 Nisan 4BCE

1          Date incorrectly attributed as Christ’s birth for the commencement of the current era.

7 CE    Messiah comes to the Feast of the Passover at Jerusalem on his twelfth birthday (Lk. 2:42).

27        John the Baptist commences to preach from October in the Jubilee at the beginning of the 15th year of Tiberias. Messiah declares the Acceptable Year of the Lord in fulfilment of Isaiah 61:1-2 (quoting also from Isa. 58:6; cf. Lk. 4:18-21).

27        End Day 4

28        The ministry of Messiah commences from the imprisonment of John the Baptist after the Passover of 28.

30        Messiah is crucified on Wednesday 14 Nisan or 5 April; resurrected at the end of the three days and three nights at the beginning of the first day of the week at evening; ascends as the Wave Sheaf on Sunday morning 9 a.m. or the third hour.

30        Church commences at Pentecost

Ephesian era of the church begins in Asia Minor.

63        James brother of Messiah martyred. The Second anointed one cut off but not for himself. End of sixty-nine weeks of years (Dan. 9:26)

70        Jerusalem surrounded by the Roman Army under Titus from 1 Nisan. The Temple destroyed from Atonement.

End of the seventy weeks of years.

71        The Temple at Leontopolis established by Onias IV in fulfilment of Isaiah 19:19 is ordered closed by Vespasian. End of the Jewish Temple period. The New Temple is the church in the wilderness.

72        Church re-established in the Jerusalem area from the Pella period.


Church is under John from Ephesus until he is exiled to Patmos.

95        Revelation is given to Jesus Christ who gives it to John and the canon is closed.

The Smyrna era begins.

122-135 Bar Kochba revolt. Failed attempt to   reintroduce the sacrifice at Jerusalem.


152-190 Quarto-Deciman dispute Polycarp versus Anicetus and Polycrates versus Victor. Rome introduces Easter from the mystery cults.




303-313 Persecution (ten years in the East) from the time of Diocletian (abdicated 305).

313-314 Edict of Milan by Constantine. Toleration of Christianity ensues.

318  Meeting of the Desposyni under Simon with the bishop of Rome. Rome orders the relatives of Christ to be exterminated. Policy of extermination carried out for the ensuing two centuries.

325  Binitarianism introduced to the church by force at the Council of Nicaea. The dates for Easter were reconciled.

327  Unitarians back in force.

366  The Sabbath proscribed at the Council, of Laodicea.


381 Theodosius appointed Roman emperor and established the Athanasians or Catholics. The Trinity is then formulated at the Council of Constantinople using the Cappadocian theology of Basil, Gregory of Nyssa and Gregory of Nazianzus.

Unitarianism is then outside of the Roman Empire. The Pergamos era begins.


451  Trinitarian church formalised resulting in a schism.




590 Gregory the Great becomes pope and declares the Holy Roman Empire. Lasts 1260 years until 1850 when it is disbanded.


632  Islam emerges.

Islam is pure under the four rightly guided caliphs. The purity of Islam collapses with the Ummayads and never recovers.



741-775 Constantine Capronymous Emperor of Byzantine. Relocations to Thrace of the Paulicians.





970  John Tzimiskes carries out deportations of the Paulicians to Thrace. Crusaders find them in Armenia in the 11th century but they are relocated to Philippopolis by the 19th.

The Thyatiran era emerges from the tenth century as the major church force in Europe with the Waldensians.


1027 End Day 5




1179 Waldensians condemned from the Third Lateran Council. “Thyatira” is persecuted in Europe until 1850. Many in East Europe seek refuge under Islam in Turkey.









1582 Gregorian Calendar starting date Oct. 15th. 1600s  Reformation of the Church of Rome.

Protestants emerge and persecute the church as badly as the Roman Catholics did before them.





1789-1795 French Revolution. The beast is formed and begins to turn on the whore.


Feb 22nd – The Last Invasion of Britain by the French, begins near Fishguard, Wales, 22 Feb.

Feb 25th – Colonel William Tate and his force of 1000-1500 soldiers surrender after the Last Invasion of Britain.

Feb 26th – Bank of England issues 1st £1-note.

Mar 4th – John Adams inaugurated as 2nd president of US.

Apr 17th – Sir Ralph Abercromby attacks San Juan, Puerto Rico in what would be one of the largest invasions to Spanish territories in America.
Apr 18th – France and Austria sign cease fire.

May 5th – Napoleon I’s sister Elisa marries Felix Bacciochi.

May 10th – 1st Navy ship, the “United States,” is launched.

May 12th – First Coalition: Napoleon I of France conquers Venice.

Jun 6th – Napoleon forms Ligurische Republic.

Jun 26th – Charles Newbold patents 1st cast-iron plow. He can’t sell it to farmers though; they fear effects of iron on soil!

Jul 8th – 1st US senator (William Blount of Tennessee) expelled by impeachment.

Jul 10th – 1st US frigate, the “Constitution,” (Old Ironsides) is launched.

Jul 25th – Horatio Nelson loses more than 300 men and his right arm during the failed conquest attempt of Tenerife (Spain).

Aug 3rd – Emperor Francis I permits Jews who served in military in “Countries of Bohemian Crown” to marry non-Jews.

1799 end of the 2520 years or seven times from the captivity of Israel. Birthright inheritance in place according to the promises to the Patriarchs.

1806 Napoleonic France disbands the Holy Roman Empire. Remains disbanded until the defeat of Napoleon in 1815 at Waterloo.

1815  Holy Roman Empire reconstituted as a German Confederation under Austrian Presidency.


1823-1846 Last Inquisition in the Papal States. 200,000 sentenced to death, life imprisonment or the galleys. 1.5 million under political surveillance.

1850 Populace votes overwhelmingly to disband the Holy Roman Empire and join the Italian Republic. End of the 1260 years of the woman in the wilderness of Revelation 12:6.


1914  WWI commences.

1916  Seven times or 2520 years completed from 605 BCE.

1917  Israel retaken by British Commonwealth troops. Balfour declaration for the establishment of the Jewish homeland issued by British Parliament. Jerusalem taken in December 1917.

1917  The Russian Revolution. The Beast turns on the whore in the East.

1918  WWI ends.


1953  Republic of Egypt declared.

1956 Suez. Egypt is free again. End of forty years from 1916. Seven times from the middle of the first phase.

1967-1997 Undermining of the Sabbath-keeping churches by the Trinitarian organisations. Thirty days of the Mourning for Aaron and the period of the Idol Shepherd and the virtual destruction of the Sabbatarian system.

1977/8  Thirty-ninth Jubilee since Messiah.

1996  End of the seven times from 525 BCE. Egypt is a virtual fundamentalist state. The Egyptian Coptic Church seeks communion with Rome for the first time since the schism following Chalcedon in 451. Reunion of the harlot daughters of the whore commences.

It is the three-thousandth anniversary of David’s entry to Jerusalem; and the two-thousandth anniversary of Christ’s birth.

1997 Time of the Gentiles finishes. Thirty years of the end commences (cf. the papers The Last Thirty Years: the Final Struggle (No. 219) and Measuring the Temple (No. 137)).

1998  21st year of the fortieth Jubilee. Reading of the Law is undertaken for the first time on a Sabbath year in the church in over 1400 years.

1999-2011 Break down of the rule of the princes, priests and prophets commences. UK passes legislation to establishing pastoral care for families on a secular basis with civil celebrants to undermine biblical principles and the clergy.

Treasonous destruction of the power of the British Commonwealth by its political and administrative intelligentsia from Oxford, through its Parliaments and Civil Service is complete. The manufacturing sectors of UK and Australia have effectively been destroyed and their capacity to resist the internationalists is destroyed through the short-sightedness and ideological imbecility of its free traders and socialists.

EEC commences to destroy all national sovereignty of member nations. Currency devolves to the central government.

Union of the Ten Toes of the Great Image is complete (Dan. ch 2).

From this period commencing in 2001 the wars of the end develop and increase. New World Order established to prevent continuous wars. All legislation passed from states to the central authorities. Human Rights Theory is abandoned as litigation becomes impossible.

Opus Dei instigates the rewrite of Just War Theory for implementation under the last Pope operating out of a cohesive Rome, known as Glory of the Olive (Benedict XVI), following the curial disputes with the Jesuits/Opus Dei.  Benedict was replaced by Francis I an Italian from South America who is prophesied to become the last pope. He is a Jesuit and adopts the name Francis. He affects piety and simplicity. The nations are turning against the RC church due to their abuse and he attempts reconciliation  (cf. The Last Pope: Examining Nostradamus and Malachy (No. 288)).

Secret Societies have undermined the FBI and Security Services of the United States and forces resumption of the Gulf War through the presidency.

Economic Institutions undermined to implement the Beast Power.

Islam forced into retaliation against Europe, through Catholic interference in the economic structure. Europe occupies Middle East after second last war of the kings of the North and South. News from the East and North of Daniel sees eradication of millions in the steppes and those nations involved from the Middle East to the North and East.

Chemical warfare results in massive losses in the war of the Fifth Trumpet.

European power in Jerusalem and Middle East forced into the Russian steppes in a war against the East. 200 million soldiers and a third of the earth’s population destroyed.

Beast power entrenched in power in Jerusalem.

2012 Thirty-fifth year of the fortieth Jubilee. Sabbath year and end of the Mayan Calendar and the Sun system. The Whore is gradually destroyed by the Beast from this date and finally by the advent of the Messiah after the period of the two Witnesses, perhaps by 2021-2024.

2021-2022 Passover is the probable last time for the two Witnesses to be in place in Jerusalem. Droughts of the two Witnesses commence.

2024 Probable last date for the return of the Messiah and the subjugation of the planet given the 2028 commencement for the millennial system and the time being cut short.

Kings of the East called down to Jerusalem and destroyed.

2025  Perhaps less than 500 million people left alive on the planet.

2025/26  Treble Harvest year for the Jubilee

2026/27 Sabbath Year

2027    End Day 6

2027/2028  Fortieth Jubilee since Messiah and Forty-ninth since the second Temple and Ezra/Nehemiah.

2028  Beginning of the Jubilee of Jubilees from 1 Abib. The fiftieth Jubilee since the construction of the Temple and the restoration of the Temple and the Law under Ezra and Nehemiah

The one thousand year millennial reign of Jesus Christ begins. The planet is run in peace and prosperity according to God’s Laws for 1000 years.

3015-3027 Satan is released and the last war of the end begins.

3028 The General Resurrection of the Dead

The 100-year Judgment.

3127 The City of God is complete and the Universe is structured anew.

It is important that we all understand the Timetable and the proper dates and times. For example there are two understandings of the duration of the sojourning: one is dated from the promise to Abraham and the death of Salah father of Eber and the Hebrews in 1878 BCE (cf. Ex. 12:40; Gal. 3:14,17) and is 430 years; and the other starts from the recognition of his seed Isaac at the death of Shem priest of Melchisedech (Gen. 21:12), which is 400 years (see Gen. 15:13 and Acts 7:6). The dwelling in Egypt was only 215 years which is half of the period of 430 years.  Bullinger claims that the self same day of Exodus 12:41 was the 15th Day of the Seventh Month the same day that Abraham left Ur of the Chaldees. The correct divisions of the 430 years into 215 years are identified in sections in the Outline Timetable of the Age (No. 272) herein.

It is important that we all understand what is happening in relation to the Calendar and the place of these timings in the texts as each of the different timings is done to identify the exact timelines and the divisions so that mistakes are not made in the texts.

It is a matter of fact that the creation of Adam has been taken to be in 4004 BCE by religious scholars and the Churches of God for Millennia, based on the MT.  The week has been taken as the Timeline of the Age and has usually been understood, except for the confusion that emanated from the conflict in the MT and the LXX.  Also the failure of the scholastic ability of the Churches of God in the 19th and 20th centuries caused further error. Because they did not restore the Jubilees they did not understand the commencement and the specific duration of the 6000 years and they thus could not foretell the correct prophetic time frame, and they found more convenient dates nearer their time and fell into false prophecy. They all wanted to be the prophet or witnesses of the last days which was the basis of the error. They all wanted to be the Elijah who was to come and the principal figure of the Last Days. God said that He would send us Elijah before the great and terrible Day of the Lord and He meant just that (Mal.  4:5-6). It is Elijah that will restore all things with the other witness (see the paper The Witnesses (including the Two Witnesses) (No. 135)).

Another odd sequence is the duration of the Pagan calendar and its system from Pope Gregory XIII, who established the Gregorian calendar from 1582, and the Sun system of the Mayans and other Amerindians which ends the solar calendar and allegedly changes into a system under the new morning star in 21 December 2012, which is also 430 years of duration.  215 years into that system (in 1797) the last invasion of the British Isles occurred and the British also defeated the Dutch Navy, and the US Navy launched its first battleships, the United States and the frigate the “Constitution” known as “Old Ironsides.” Sir Ralph Abercromby attacked San Juan in Puerto Rico which was to be the largest attack on Spanish interests in the Americas, and later passed into US hands. The Holy Roman Empire ceded a third of its territory and Napoleon formed the Ligurian Republic and a number of other significant events took place. The Holy Roman Empire was diminished from this time and the promises to Abraham and his seed were provided.  The second 215 years have seen the world live through the prophecies of the Last Days. The 430 years of the end sequence ends in 2012.

We thus can expect events to escalate from 2012 into the struggle to establish the millennial system from the Jubilee of 2027 and the final restoration of Israel with the complete destruction of the Sun and Mystery cults.  By the seven years from 2012 to 2019 we would expect to see the struggles to take Israel and the extended lands of David as we saw prophesied in The Fall of Jericho (No. 142).  From 2019 to 2027 we can expect to see the total subjugation of the planet and the second exodus of Israel occur as foretold in Isaiah, and the religious system set up as foretold by Zechariah and Ezekiel.

Appendix B

Conflict of the Septuagint and the Masoretic Text

The Septuagint (LXX) differs from the timing of the lineage of the Patriarchs in the Masoretic Text (MT) and both cannot be correct. The timeline continues in the line of the kings from the MT. The creation timeline of the MT can be reconstructed precisely. The commencement year is 4004 BCE and Ussher’s chronology arrived at that date fairly accurately even though some things were unknown at the time.

The explanation for the huge difference between the two texts is at first perplexing. One has to look at the facts of the history of the Ptolemies in Egypt to understand what is happening. Josephus records how the Septuagint came about. We would expect the Septuagint to be correct as it is quoted by the NT church. The problem is easily explained when we realise that Greek was the language of the entire church over the Hellenised world and was used in Rome itself for the first two or more centuries of the church. Genesis in the LXX is the very reason that Paul issued his comments in the NT in 1Timothy 1:4 and Titus 3:9. The LXX is reliable except for the book of Genesis and the contradiction of 440 years from the Exodus to the commencement of the building of the Temple. The LXX says 440 and the MT says 480 years. This conflict is easily resolved if we assume one is quoting the end of the Exodus and entry to Canaan and the other is recording the beginning of the Exodus from Goshen. Genesis however is another matter. There is a difference of some 1425 years between the two texts and both cannot be correct.

The answer is simple if we understand that at the same time Ptolemy II was creating the great library at Alexandria and he had given instructions to compile the histories of the world. Manetho the Egyptian historian was commanded to compile the history of Egypt. He was aware of and was also trying to compete with Berossus the Chaldean who was writing the history of Chaldea. Egypt and Chaldea were competing for the oldest civilisation in the world and the writers of the LXX were faced with making some accord possible between their extended reigns. We now know that they were all wrong in the dynasties and the regnal years by an extended period.

When we examine the LXX and the MT we are faced with an obvious conclusion. That is that round figures of up to 100 years are added to the ages of the Patriarchs at the birth of their sons (and some ages were incorrect) to extend their lives to take the beginning of creation back to accommodate the errors of Manetho.

A separate paper will be issued on the History of Egypt to show the errors of Manetho and the correct placement of the dynasties in accordance with their real history and their relationship to the record of the Canonical Text.

What follows is the record of both the LXX and the MT in table form to enable the early errors of the LXX to be seen against the Canonical or Masoretic Text.

The table is compiled showing both LXX and MT and continues on in the line of the kings on the MT text. The errors and confusion of the line of the kings of Israel and Judah are caused by the differing calendars under the influence of the Assyrian civil calendar (which continued into rabbinical Judaism) and a reconciliation has been provided by Edwin R. Thiele but he himself is held to have made an error in the reign Hezekiah. The following is our biblical reconstruction of the dates. The reconstruction shows a coherent view of the Bible texts and eliminates the errors claimed to exist in the text. The Book of Genesis in the LXX is not a received text. It has not been used or incorporated into either the Judaic or Christian Canons of the Bible.

Table of the Age according to the LXX and the MT

Person Age as per MT Age as per LXX MT

Year of Creation


Year of creation


from 4004 BCE



5429 BCE


Adam 1 1 4004 5429 Creation
Adam 130 230 130 230 3874 5199 Adam b Seth
Seth 105 205 235 435 3769 4994 Seth b. Enos
Enos 90 190 325 625 3679 4804 Enos b. Cainan
Cainan 70 170 395 795 3609 4634 Canaan b. Mahalaleel
Mahalaleel 65 165 460 960 3544 4469 Mahalaleel b. Jared
Jared 162 162 622 1122 3382 4307 Jared b. Enoch
Enoch 65 165 687 1287 3317 4142 Enoch b. Methuselah
Methuselah 187 167 874 1454 3130 3975 M’lah b. Lamech
Adam 930 930 3074 4499 d. of Adam @ 930
Enoch 987 1487 3017 3942 Enoch taken @ 365
Lamech 182 188 1056 1642 2948 3787 Lamech b. Noah
Seth 1042 1142 2962 4287 d. Seth @ 912
Enos 1140 1340 2864 4089 d. Enos @ 905
Cainan 1235 1535 2769 3894 d. Cainan @ 910
Mahalaleel 1291 1690 2714 3739 d. Mahalaleel
Jared 1422 1922 2582 3507 d. Jared
Noah 500 1556 2142 2448 3284 Noah b. Japheth
Noah 501 1557 2143 2447 3283 Noah b. Ham
Noah 502 1558 2144 2446 3282 Noah b. Shem
Lamech 1651 2207 2353 3227 D. Lamech @ 753 (MT 777)
M’lah 1656 2256 2348 3173 d. M’lah @ 969
Noah 600 600 1656 2242 2348 3187 FLOOD
Shem 100 100 1658 2242 2346 3185 Shem b. Arphaxad
Arphaxad 35 135 1693 2379 2311 3050 Cainan (MT says Salah)
Cainan 135 2915
Salah 30 130 1723 2644 2281 2785 Salah b.Heber
Heber 34 134 1757 2778 2247 2657 Heber b. Phaleg
Cainan 2844 2585 d. Cainan



Age as per MT


Age as per LXX




Year of Creation



Year of creation



from 4004







Phaleg 30 130 1787 2908 2217 2527 Phaleg b. Ragau
Ragau 32 132 1819 3040 2185 2395 Ragau b. Seruch
Seruch 30 130 1849 3170 2155 2265 Seruch b. Nachor (Nahor)
Nachor 29 179 1878 3349 2126 2085 Nachor b. Tharra (Terah)
Terah 70 75 1948 3424 2056 2011 Terah b.Haran
Terah Terah b.Nahor
Phaleg 1996 3117 2008 2418 d. Phaleg @ 239
Nahor 1997 3474 2007 2117 d.Nahor @ 148
Noah 2006 1998 2837 d. Noah @ 950
Terah 2008 3424 1996 2005 Terah b.Abram
Sarai 1986 Sarai b.
Ragau 2026 3226 1978 2203 d. Ragau @ 239
Seruch 2049 3370 1955 2059 d. Seruch @ 230
Terah 2083 1921 1930 d. Terah @ 205
Abram 75 2083 3499 1921 1930 Abram departs from Haran with Lot
Abram 86 2094 3510 1910 1919 Abram b.Ishmael
Abram 99 2107 3523 1897 1906 Covenant given Circumcism introduced
Abraham 100 100 2108 3524 1896 1905 Abraham b. Isaac
1878 430 yrs so-journing commences.
Sarah 1859 d.. Sarah (127 yrs)
Isaac 40 40 2148 3564 1856 1865 Isaac m.Rebecca
Isaac 60 2168 3584 1836 1845 Isaac b. Esau & Jacob
Abraham 2183 3599 1821 1830 d. Abraham
Heber 2187 3048 1817 d. Heber @ 464
Esau 20+ 2188+ 1816-1808 Esau sells birthright to Jacob
Esau 40 40 2208 3624 1796 1805 Esau m. Judith & Basemath
Jacob 72 2240 3684 1764 1773 Jacob goes to work for Laban for 1st 7 yrs
Jacob 2247 1757 1766 Jacob m. Leah, then Rachel for 2nd 7 yrs
2248 1756 Leah b.Reuben
2249 1755 Leah b. Simeon
2250 1754 Leah b. Levi



Age as per MT


Age as per LXX




Year of Creation



Year of creation



from 4004







2251 1753 Leah b. Judah
2252 1752 Bilhah b. Dan
2253 1751 Bilhah b. Napthali
2254 1750 Zilpar b.Gad
2255 1749 Zilpah b. Asher
2256 1748 Leah b. Issachar
2257 1747 Leah b. Zebulun
2258 1746 Leah b. Dinah
Jacob 2259 1745/4 Rachel b. Joseph
Joseph 17 2277 3701 1727 1728 Coat of many colours & dream. Sold to Ishmaelites
Isaac 2288 3704 1716 1725 d. Isaac @ 180
Joseph 30 2289 3714 1715 1715 Joseph stands before Pharaoh in Egypt
Joseph 30-37 2289/90 3714 1715/4 1715 7 yrs of  plenty start
Joseph 37-44 2296/7 3721 1708/7 1708 7 yrs famine  start
Jacob 130 2298 1706 Entered Egypt
Jacob 2315 1689 d. Jacob @ 147
Joseph 2369 3794 1635 1635 d. Joseph @ 110
Moses 2476 1528/7 b. Moses
Joshua 2492 1512 b. Joshua
Moses 80 2556 1448 Exodus commences
Moses 2595/6 1409/8 d. Moses @120
Israelites 2596 1408 Entered Promised Land
Joshua 2601 1403 Division of the Inheritance of Tribes
Joshua 2602 1403/2 d. Joshua @110
2602 1403 Mesopotamia oppression for 8 yrs
Othniel 2608 1396 40 yrs rule
1349 Othniel d.
Moab oppression 18 yrs
Ehud 1332 Ehud raised up and land rested 80 yrs
Shamgar 1253 3rd Oppression under Jabin – 20 years



Age as per MT


Age as per LXX




Year of Creation



Year of creation



from 4004







Deborah/Barak 1243-1234 Raised under oppression. Suppress Canaan and provide peace – Rule 40 yrs.
Ca 1203 Midian oppression 7 yrs
Gideon 1199 Land rested 40 yrs
Abimelech 1160 Ruled 3 yrs with Tola.
Tola 1160 Judged 23 yrs
Jair 2839 1157 Judged 22 yrs
Jephthah 2861 1153 Judged 6 yrs
Ibzan 2867 1148 Judged 7 yrs
Elon 2874 1142 Judged 10 yrs
Abdon 2884 1133 Judged 8 yrs
Philistine oppression 40 yrs
Sampson 2892 1110 Judged 20 yrs
Eli 2912 1090 40 yrs
Samuel Prophet 40 years covering both periods of Eli and Saul
Saul 2952 1052/51 40 yrs
David 2992 1012/11 40 yrs
David 2999 1005 In Jerusalem
Solomon 3032 972 40 yrs
Jeroboam 3072 932
Rehoboam 3073 931 King of Judah
Abijar 3090 914 King of Judah
Asa 3093 911 King Judah
910 d. Jeroboam
Nadab 3094 910 King Israel
909 Nadab murdered



Age as per MT


Age as per LXX




Year of Creation



Year of creation



from 4004







Baasa 3095 909 Baasa K. Israel
3118 886 d. Baasa
Elah 886 K. Israel
3120 884 Elah murdered
Zimri 884 k. Israel 7 days
Tibni 884 k. Israel
Omri 3123 881 k. Israel
Ahab 3130 874 k. Israel
3133 871 d. Asa
Jehosaphat 871 k. Judah
Ahaziah 3151 853 k. Israel
3152 852 d. Ahaziah
Joram 852 k. Israel
Jeroram 3156 848 k.Judah
3163 841 d. Jehoram
Ahaziah 841 k. Judah
841 d.Ahaziah
Athaliah 841 Q. Judah
841 d.Joram
Jehu 841 k.Israel
3169 835 Q.Athaliah killed
Joash 835 k.Judah
3190 814 d. Jehu
Jehoahaz 814 k. Israel
Jehoash 3205 799 k. Israel
3207 797 d. Joash
Amaziah 797 k. Judah
Jeroboam II 3211 793 k. Israel
Uzziah 3229 775 k. Judah
Jotham 3247 757 Reigns for Uzziah
3251 753 d. Jeroboam II
Zechariah 753 k. Israel
Shallum 3252 752 k. Israel one month
Menahem 752 k. Israel
Pekah 3253 751 k. competing with Menahem @ Gilead
3263 741 d. Menahem
Pekahiah 741 k. Israel
3265 739 d.Uzziah
Ahaz 3270 734 k.Judah
Hoshea 3274 730 k.Israel
Hezekiah 3277 727 Regent of Judah
Shalmenesser 3280 724 k. Assyria dies



Age as per MT


Age as per LXX




Year of Creation



Year of creation



from 4004







Sargon II 724 k. Assyria
3282 722 d. Hoshea
Hezekiah 3287 717 k.Judah, Temple cleansed
Manasseh 3306 698 k. Judah
Amon 3361 643 k. Judah (agreeing with E. R. Theile)
Josiah 3363 642/1 k. Judah
3380 624 Book of the Law found for the Reading of the law in the Jubilee of Josiah’s Restoration (18th yr of Josiah)
Jehoahaz 3395 609 k. Judah
Jehoiakin 609 k. Judah
Jehoiakin 597 Taken captive on We-Adar 15/16 March 597.
Ezekiel’s Vision 3410 594 BCE 30th year of the Sacred Calendar; in the 5th year of Jehoiakin’s captivity


The tables and dates are also now related to the following papers in order to explain the later Bible texts. The table is found in the papers The Sign of Jonah and the History of the Reconstruction of the Temple (No. 013) and The Meaning of Ezekiel’s Vision (No. 108).