Christian Churches of God
No. F066iv

Commentary on Revelation Part 4

(Edition 2.0 20210320-20220625)
Commentary on Chapters 14-17.
Christian Churches of God


(Copyright © 2021, 2022 Wade Cox)

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Commentary on Revelation Part 4

Revelation Chapters 14-17 (RSV)

Chapter 14

1Then I looked, and there was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion! And with him were one hundred forty-four thousand who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads. 2And I heard a voice from heaven like the sound of many waters and like the sound of loud thunder; the voice I heard was like the sound of harpists playing on their harps, 3and they sing a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and before the elders. No one could learn that song except the one hundred forty-four thousand who have been redeemed from the earth. 4It is these who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are virgins; these follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They have been redeemed from humankind as first fruits for God and the Lamb, 5and in their mouth no lie was found; they are blameless. 6Then I saw another angel flying in midheaven, with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth—to every nation and tribe and language and people. 7He said in a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, for the hour of his judgment has come; and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water.” 8Then another angel, a second, followed, saying, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” 9Then another angel, a third, followed them, crying with a loud voice, “Those who worship the beast and its image, and receive a mark on their foreheads or on their hands, 10they will also drink the wine of God’s wrath, poured unmixed into the cup of his anger, and they will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. 11And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image and for anyone who receives the mark of its name.” 12Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and hold fast to the faith of Jesus. 13And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who from now on die in the Lord.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them.” 14Then I looked, and there was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one like the Son of Man, with a golden crown on his head, and a sharp sickle in his hand! 15Another angel came out of the temple, calling with a loud voice to the one who sat on the cloud, “Use your sickle and reap, for the hour to reap has come, because the harvest of the earth is fully ripe.” 16So the one who sat on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth, and the earth was reaped. 17Then another angel came out of the temple in heaven, and he too had a sharp sickle. 18Then another angel came out from the altar, the angel who has authority over fire, and he called with a loud voice to him who had the sharp sickle, “Use your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for its grapes are ripe.” 19So the angel swung his sickle over the earth and gathered the vintage of the earth, and he threw it into the great wine press of the wrath of God. 20And the wine press was trodden outside the city, and blood flowed from the wine press, as high as a horse’s bridle, for a distance of about two hundred miles.

Intent of Chapter 14

(cf. No. 141)

Verses 1-5: The concept of not being defiled with women means that they are spiritual virgins. The women are the concept of the churches of the earth. It is also a possibility that these people are the tribes. The 144,000 are taken out over a period of time. The selection of the 144,000 is by process of the churches over the two millennia (see also the papers The Harvests of God, the New Moon Sacrifices, and the 144,000 (No. 120)The New Moons (No. 125); and The New Moons of Israel (No. 132)). An argument might be advanced that we are dealing with two lots of 144,000. This matter will be addressed elsewhere.

The sequence of the 144,000 is still attendant to or in conjunction with the Great Multitude. The elect are to help the whole nation and planet. They are not to worry whether they are in one group or another. The identity of the nations is developed in the texts of The Genetic origin of the Nations (No. 265). However, everybody is going to be in Israel in the end. Everybody is going to be a spiritual Israelite over the Millennium, or they will be dead.

At his coming Messiah slays the Lawless One, as we know from Thessalonians (F052F053). The entire planet is placed under Messiah from this act, in sequence, commencing from the 144,000 through the Great Multitude and on into the Millennium. Until we know the song given to the 144,000 we don’t know if we are in the 144,000.

Verses 6-20: No lie was found in their mouths. This is the key, for they are spotless. The concept is of adoration for God and His truth – and the elect are to be totally committed to the truth. Sometimes the truth is very unpalatable. They are committed to the truth and the truth sets all free. This is the real issue. They will be in the 144,000 if they are committed to and prepared to die for the truth.

From verses 19-20:

19So the angel swung his sickle on the earth and gathered the vintage of the earth, and threw it into the great wine press of the wrath of God; 20and the wine press was trodden outside the city, and blood flowed from the wine press, as high as a horse’s bridle, for one thousand six hundred stadia. (RSV)

That is a lot of blood – a lot of dead people. 1,600 stadia is approximately 5 miles. Christ is taking over the planet and he then forces these people to repent. When Messiah returns to Zion the elect are with him (see the paper Trumpets (No. 136)) for more information on the return of the Messiah). The Day of Atonement deals with the reconciliation of the planet – the bringing of the planet into repentance and setting it up for the Millennium. There is a sequence of time between the Advent of Christ and the start of the Millennium, and that comes out in the vials of the wrath of God.

(cf. No. 270)

Revelation 14 has four explicit messages, which relate to the coming of the Messiah and the activities of the Church under the direction of God through Jesus Christ and the spiritual servants God has given to him.

A fifth message concerns the wrath of God at His return. This message is twofold. It refers to the 144,000 taken out and given to Messiah and these stand with him on Mount Zion. At first glance it looks as though they are all with him at one time and that this point refers to the end time in Jerusalem. The time-frame actually involves the sequence of time from the commencement of the prophecy in Isaiah 61:1-2 in 27 CE and the end at the second advent or coming of Messiah.

The messages of Revelation 14 are the responsibility of the 144,000. The messages given to the 144,000 go for the period of the seven eras of the seven churches given in Revelation chapters 2 and 3. The two thousand years cover the forty Jubilees from 27 CE to 2027 CE.

The First Angel’s Message is the eternal Gospel and that is given out over the period until the time of the end. At the end the finalisation of the Message of Isaiah 61:1-2 is given (cf. Rev. 14:1-7).

The prophecy was spoken by Messiah and stopped at Isaiah 61:2, halfway through the text, because the end of the prophecy occurs at the end of the age.

Isaiah 61:2-7  to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn; 3to grant to those who mourn in Zion — to give them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he may be glorified. 4They shall build up the ancient ruins, they shall raise up the former devastations; they shall repair the ruined cities, the devastations of many generations. 5Aliens shall stand and feed your flocks, foreigners shall be your plowmen and vinedressers; 6but you shall be called the priests of the LORD, men shall speak of you as the ministers of our God; you shall eat the wealth of the nations, and in their riches you shall glory. 7Instead of your shame you shall have a double portion, instead of dishonor you shall rejoice in your lot; therefore in your land you shall possess a double portion; yours shall be everlasting joy. (RSV)

To understand this sequence we need to proceed to the Second Angel’s Message.

The Second Angel’s Message

The Second Angel’s Message follows the First Angel’s Message. It is the result of the correct execution of the First Angel’s Message that the Second Angel’s Message is able to be given with sure success. At the final sealing of the 144,000, the Earth is able to be hurt. The full story of how this is to occur is detailed in other texts in Revelation and elsewhere.

The entire Babylonian system is to fall in the Last Days before the final end.

Revelation 14:8 Another angel, a second, followed, saying, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, she who made all nations drink the wine of her impure passion.” (RSV)

This is the great Whore who rides the nations and is mentioned in Revelation 17. She is destroyed by the union of the ten kings that receive power for one hour with the Beast, in the Last Days (Rev. 17:12-18).

This prophetic hour is a very short period of time. It may be literally the twenty-fourth part of the prophetic year-day – i.e. two weeks. Or it may be a period less than the year. It is, however, a short period of time when all these prophecies and powers come together. The destructive power of these systems is incredible. Give thanks that it is a short period of time.

To understand what is happening we must go to the story of Gideon. Gideon stood against the system of Baal and was an iconoclast, as the system will be in the Last Days (cf. the paper The Warning of the Last Days (No. 044)).

The Third Angel’s Message (Rev. 14:9-20)

Verses 9-13: The injunction here is that the Beast will set up a system that makes clear distinction between God and His system and the satanic system of the Beast. The major part of the world appears to go along with this system.

The endurance of the saints is called for, and the distinctive mark of the saints is the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. Christ’s faith was that he loved not his life unto death. So also are the elect to be persecuted for this last time. This final stand of the empire of the Beast is a traumatic world-shattering event.

Verses 14-20: These two actions show the reaping of the Son of Man, which is the last harvest, and then the harvest of the winepress of the wrath of God (cf. the charts of F027xiii).

They are two distinct actions under two distinct messages and beings. They are under the direction of God, which indicates two specific time-related events carried by two messengers at separate times.

Thus the system in the Last Days is unfolded through the fourfold sequence, which completes the Mysteries of God.

The First Angel’s Message is the everlasting Gospel and as such it does not change, and has the same structure from Christ and the Apostles. Thus it cannot be the mainstream system, because the entire system is based upon syncretic or innovative doctrines of the Councils of the Church.

The Second Angel’s Message brings down the Babylonian system. That message builds on the final work of the eternal Gospel in the First Angel’s Message.

The Third Angel’s Message gives warning of and to the system of the Beast, which destroys the Whore.

The Fourth and Fifth Angels’ Messages

The Fourth Angel’s Message is of two parts, the first being the harvest of (the one like unto) the Son of Man.

The second part or Fifth Angel’s Message is the winepress of the wrath of God.

With these five sequences the Millennium will be ushered in for the 1,000-year reign of Christ.

The Harvests of God, the New Moon Sacrifices, and the 144,000 (No. 120)

We see in Chapter 14: The 144,000 are sealed from on high. They know who they are when they are given the things by which they are distinguished. They are given the seal and also a new song.

In Verses 1-5 we see: The women who defile the Earth are the false religions or churches who speak in the name of Christ. The false system is seen immediately following this text from Revelation 14:6 as the Babylonian system of false worship. The elect are not defiled by these systems. They are the first-fruits. This first-fruit system is one we see that becomes effective from the harvest of Pentecost or the Feast of Weeks. The Wave-Sheaf harvest or first of the first-fruits was Christ.

The selection of the 144,000 is tied to the numbers ordained by Christ. Many have assumed that the 144,000 are selected entirely from the final period of the Church. There is no real evidence to support that conjecture and, indeed, to ensure even distribution among the Gentiles, a long period is required. The numbers involved are significant. The number 144,000 allocated to forty Jubilees is 3,600 per Jubilee. Conversely, the period of forty Jubilees is also fifty generations. Thus 2,880 people were selected for each generation.

For those who adhere to the era system, this process must be distributed over seven Churches. Of the seven, two are unacceptable to God and only a small number of those make it into the Kingdom of God. Those Churches are the Sardis and Laodicean. Those are two of the four Churches still alive at the return of Messiah (see Commentary on Revelation Chapters 2 and 3 (F066)). The other two are Philadelphia and Thyatira. Philadelphia is small, and Thyatira has most of its work done centuries before the return of Messiah. Thus the number of the elect in the Twentieth and Twenty-First centuries is small indeed. The allocation per Church is some 20,571 (20,571 x 7+3 = 144,000). The three are perhaps taken up in the transfiguration scene as Christ, Moses and Elijah. Allocated to five Churches, the number is increased to 28,800.

Given the full numbers of Thyatira and Philadelphia alive in the last days of the twentieth century, there is still only a maximum number of 57,600 able to be alive at any one time. Given the duration of two-and-a-half generations over the one hundred years, there is a maximum number alive of 23,040. This figure is inflated. A much lower figure is involved.

The 144,000 divided by years of the Jubilees are seventy-two per year. We might see some significance in this number. The Sanhedrin was seventy in number. This Council was established from Sinai as the Council of the Elders. The Council of Israel was established on a system of replication of the celestial system (Heb. 8:5). The Council of the Seventy was comprised of an Inner and an Outer Council, from the Psalms. The allocations were as thirty and forty per division, plus two (see Rev. 4 and 5 for the Inner Council).

Christ established this system of the Seventy again from Luke 10:1. The Seventy were ordained and dispatched two by two into every place where Christ was about to go. Thus Christ was preceded by his disciples of the Seventy, in pairs. It is established so that it would occur over two thousand years. There were also seventy nations from the allocation of the Host to the nations according to the number of the Council. Thus there was also an allocation of 2,000 per nation to the 144,000 or central administration.

There is another aspect of this text. The Sanhedrin was never left at seventy for judgment. There was always seventy plus one in deliberation. However, something happens in relation to this structure when Christ ordains the Seventy. The Greek text shows that the word is hebdomekonta (or seventy) and [duo] (or two) is added in brackets to the text. The word is translated as seventy-two in Marshall’s Interlinear main text. However, most Bibles translate the word as seventy from its understood meaning. We are thus dealing with seventy who are accompanied by two. This structure was to epitomise the replication of the administrative model every year for forty Jubilees until the full number of 144,000 was selected. Of course, the sequence is symbolic and there may be more or less selected over the time frame as circumstances dictate or warrant. However, they symbolise a yearly system of sacrifice.

The preoccupation of the elect with the distinction between the 144,000 and the Multitude is unwarranted. More importantly, it could lead to self-righteousness. The purpose in the analysis of the numbers and structure is to develop the awareness of the administrative structure of the elect and the Government of God in the restoration. Only from the redemption of the 144,000 to the Lamb on Zion is the everlasting Gospel preached to the Earth (v. 6).

After this the Babylonian system shall fall (vv.8-10).

The closure of the Temple until the end of the plagues of the wrath of God

The harvest ends with the last of the general Multitude that die in the Lord during the tribulation (Rev. 14:12-20).

These people who die in the Lord are those who keep the commandments of God. Thus tribulation against the followers of Christ occurs right up until the time that Christ comes.

From the time that Messiah comes the harvest of the Earth is closed until the wrath of God subdues the Earth. There are seven angels released to affect this retribution on those who take the mark of the Beast. Those that had achieved victory over the Beast and his image and his mark or system were those who are then given the Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb.

There is thus a conjunction between the Old and New Testaments. Both are necessary to salvation. Grace stems from Christ’s reconciliation to God under His commandments.

Chapter 15

1Then I saw another portent in heaven, great and amazing: seven angels with seven plagues, which are the last, for with them the wrath of God is ended. 2And I saw what appeared to be a sea of glass mixed with fire, and those who had conquered the beast and its image and the number of its name, standing beside the sea of glass with harps of God in their hands. 3And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb: “Great and amazing are your deeds, Lord God the Almighty! Just and true are your ways, King of the nations! 4Lord, who will not fear and glorify your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you, for your judgments have been revealed.” 5After this I looked, and the temple of the tent of witness in heaven was opened, 6and out of the temple came the seven angels with the seven plagues, robed in pure bright linen, with golden sashes across their chests. 7Then one of the four living creatures gave the seven angels seven golden bowls full of the wrath of God, who lives forever and ever; 8and the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power, and no one could enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were ended.

Intent of Chapter 15

No. 120 continues:

Verses 15-1-8: Note that no one could enter the Temple until the seven plagues were ended. The Temple, as we have seen, is the elect which God is using to fill with Himself as the Holy Spirit. This process is halted until the Earth is brought into subjection under the seven plagues. This process is affected under authority of the Archangels or the Living Creatures that surround the Throne.

The harvests thus halt at the return of Messiah and before the actual beginning of the Millennium proper. That is why the Ingathering is taken up on the first night of the Feast of Tabernacles and cannot be left until the morning, by law (Ex. 23:19). All of the harvest of the first-fruits is done to an exact sequence and that is why the Law requires prompt payment (Ex. 22:29). Christ began this harvest as the first of the first-fruits as the Wave Sheaf. It lasted two thousand years and will go into the Millennium and end at the Great White Throne Judgment.

Wars of the Last Days and the Vials of the Wrath of God (No. 141B)

The Vials of the Wrath of God

These are seven last plagues and with them the wrath of God is ended. The purpose is to bring mankind into subjection and force their re-education so that they can be prepared for the Millennium under the Laws of God (L1).

(Rev. 15:1-8).

No. 141E

It is over the Seven Vials (from v. 8) that the world sees no person allowed to enter the Temple of God until the Seven Vials are complete. This limits the capacity for any person to be baptised and enter the Temple of God after Messiah has arrived and is faced with the rebellion of the Host.  If the church people have not repented and are excluded from the First Resurrection they will not be allowed to enter until they have all been faced with the Seven Vials of the Wrath of God.  It is that serious for all concerned. The deceit of the ministry will have serious consequences for all concerned.

Chapter 16

1Then I heard a loud voice from the temple telling the seven angels, “Go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of God.” 2So the first angel went and poured his bowl on the earth, and a foul and painful sore came on those who had the mark of the beast and who worshiped its image. 3The second angel poured his bowl into the sea, and it became like the blood of a corpse, and every living thing in the sea died. 4The third angel poured his bowl into the rivers and the springs of water, and they became blood. 5And I heard the angel of the waters say, “You are just, O Holy One, who are and were, for you have judged these things; 6because they shed the blood of saints and prophets, you have given them blood to drink. It is what they deserve!” 7And I heard the altar respond, “Yes, O Lord God, the Almighty, your judgments are true and just!” 8The fourth angel poured his bowl on the sun, and it was allowed to scorch people with fire; 9they were scorched by the fierce heat, but they cursed the name of God, who had authority over these plagues, and they did not repent and give him glory. 10The fifth angel poured his bowl on the throne of the beast, and its kingdom was plunged into darkness; people gnawed their tongues in agony, 11and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and sores, and they did not repent of their deeds. 12The sixth angel poured his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up in order to prepare the way for the kings from the east. 13And I saw three foul spirits like frogs coming from the mouth of the dragon, from the mouth of the beast, and from the mouth of the false prophet. 14These are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty. 15(“See, I am coming like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake and is clothed, not going about naked and exposed to shame.”) 16And they assembled them at the place that in Hebrew is called Harmagedon. 17The seventh angel poured his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came out of the temple, from the throne, saying, “It is done!” 18And there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, and a violent earthquake, such as had not occurred since people were upon the earth, so violent was that earthquake. 19The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell. God remembered great Babylon and gave her the wine-cup of the fury of his wrath. 20And every island fled away, and no mountains were to be found; 21and huge hailstones, each weighing about a hundred pounds, dropped from heaven on people, until they cursed God for the plague of the hail, so fearful was that plague.

Intent of Chapter 16

(cf. No. 141)

Verses 1-2: These people persecute the elect. They are judged by that but it’s only a short-lived period as Christ will deal with this earthly system of idolatry. He will tear it down. It is not a question of simply punishing these people. It is a matter of bringing people to the point where God can alter their minds to go into the Millennium. Some people at this point in time cannot be dealt with in their present state. The example of the end days is shown in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, where their mindset was such that God had to kill them. The destruction of Sodom was done by angels under instruction from Christ at the time, and Lot was taken out.

The reason why Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt was that she longed to be back into the system from which God brought her out. It was done as an example to us. Lot’s wife was destroyed so that we might understand that we cannot take anything from this system into the Millennium. The reason is that every sub-system and every part of the sub-systems of this system we are in now is inherently evil, in every aspect of it. That is why the new millennial system will be set up under the exact Law of Moses. The Law of Moses (i.e. God’s Law) was given to Moses and the elect together by Christ (cf. Commentary on Corinthians F046ii)). The elect are going to make the system given to Moses work.

The foul and evil sores are both a physical and spiritual concept. If one adopts ungodly systems, one adopts a series of problems. The physical aspect could be related to the reading of implant codes and the radiation problems associated with that fact. The implant codes are perhaps on the hands and the forehead for crowd control etc. The very fact of the existence of these earthly systems will cause these sores. These things are not God inflicting punishments on them, but are direct debilitating problems that arise from their actions. Everything one does has a consequence.

Verse 3: In wartime the security requirements will be increased and hence also the problems like this.

Verses 4-6: Every living thing dies. They were called to repentance under the Witnesses where a third die but in this case they destroy the seas – they destroy everything.

Verses 7-9: There will be no fresh water on the planet. Under the fourth seal a quarter die from famine and pestilence. Under the war of the sixth trumpet a third of the earth is killed. Matters are then down to the point where over half the planet is dead before they start this sequence. Two billion dead before they get into the wrath of God. They are looking at the destruction of the earth.

Verses 10-11: God has power over the plagues. He can stop it in a minute. Why have they let half the planet die? All they had to do is repent. These people after all this still think they can dictate terms to God.

The elect are in Jerusalem as spirit beings under the protection of Christ, dealing with this while it is happening. They are dealing with the planet hand in hand with Christ.

Verse 12: The planet is breaking down. The Kings of the East are the Anotoli Heliou, or the Kings of the rising sun, who will come in over the Euphrates. Vast eastern armies will enter Israel towards Jerusalem.

This sixth angel’s trumpet seems to indicate that the coming of the Messiah is related to the drying up of the Euphrates, and that the Messiah does not come until this time. It appears that the Messiah comes to Jerusalem and then deals with the planet. The general populace at this time is given greater revelation and understanding and is then dealt with during the time of the sixth angel.

Revelation 16:12-16 deals with the battle of Armageddon or the war of Ezekiel. There is also a cross-reference to Luke 19:27.

Luke 19:27  But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slay them before me.'” (RSV)

This is not an off-hand remark. This one line is the entire battle of Armageddon. The nations are brought down and slain before Christ at this battle. The religious structure of the world is then destroyed; the mainstream Christian Churches are destroyed by the Beast (cf.  Chapters 17 and 18).

The Seventh Trumpet

Verses 17-21: This earthquake is even greater than the earthquake of the heavenly signs in the sixth seal. The problem compounds as the seals develop. The sixth seal warned the earth of the Advent of Messiah and the wrath of God, yet they did not repent. This last action destroys the entire system of false religion and Satan’s activities on the planet.

The sequences of the trumpets and seals in terms of turning the rivers to blood are already set in motion. The red tides etc. are already in the seas – they are already starting. They have not killed a third of the rivers and a third of the fish life but they have started. The point the Bible is making is that the process is ongoing and that each trumpet is a result of the previous activity.

The culmination is that Christ deals with everybody. After Christ has taken the planet through the trumpets he is then ready for the great battle of God Almighty and the Vials. This is the war of Ezekiel in the sixth seal. Ezekiel’s prophecies for the 20th century are in (No. 036); and (No. 036_2).

Chapter 16 (141B cont)

Verses 1-2: So one of the Cherubim that surrounded the throne of God gave the seven angels charged with the task the seven vials or bowls with the plagues of the wrath of God. They were then told to go and pour the vials out on the earth.

The marks of the first vial dealt with the false religions of the earth in the last days. This is the judgment of the whore and all those who followed the Babylonian system throughout the earth. NO nation will be safe from this vial or from the others.  Every minister and priest that does not follow the Laws of God and the Sacred Calendar and teaches others not to do so will die (see also the paper God’s Calendar (No. 156)). Every nation will be required to keep the Sabbaths and New Moons and the Feasts and at Tabernacles they must send their national representatives to Jerusalem under Messiah to be given direction.  Those that do not do so will get no rain in due season and they will suffer the plagues of Egypt (Zech. 14:16-19). This is not negotiable and will continue on for the next 1100 years.

Second and Third Vials

Verses 3-7: The second and third vials deal with the capacity to survive either on land or by sea. As they judged the servants of God who are the saints and the prophets they themselves are judged.  All of those people who tried to keep the laws of God and the Sabbaths and the Sacred calendar and were killed for it over the centuries will be resurrected and sit in judgment on these nations and they will be forced to comply with God’s laws.

The Fourth Vial

The next vial concerns the world political systems and the scientists who used the natural cycles of the planet to take over the structure and enforce political change and social engineering through the false teachings of global warming in the last days. As Global Warming was held and taught to be man-made contrary to the historical facts of the matter related to solar cycles the world is taught that it is God that deals with man and saves or heals and feeds them. The scientists continue to oppose the direction of Messiah and the Host and are punished for what they do to the earth.

Verses 8-9: Instead of repenting and giving God glory they do not repent and are made to suffer when they did not need to so suffer.  The entire world opposes Christ and sends their armies against him and then, when they are forced to face it in their own lands, they curse God rather than repent (see the papers Global Warming and Biblical Prophecy (No. 218) and Global Warming – Historical Cycles (No. 218B)). Science and Evolution are the religions dealt with under this vial.

The Fifth Vial

Verses 10-11: The Beast is the New World Order that set up its empire in these last days and was controlled by the politicians and the bankers and the servants of Satan that were given rulership over the world and its International financial system including the IMF and the World Bank and the Ten regional systems symbolised by the Ten Toes of the Feet of Iron and Miry Clay.

Christ first kills the leaders of this system based in Jerusalem at his return and then destroys the International monetary system based in Europe and UK and the US and in Japan and China and the other national unions that are part of it.

The entire world’s financial system and the bankers that conspired to destroy the nations are themselves destroyed and the financial systems and the commercial systems of the world are destroyed. The destruction begins with Europe and the US. The computerised systems of power and heating and light are destroyed by electromagnetic pulse and it is in darkness.

The Sixth Vial

After the forces of the King of the North under NATO are destroyed at Megiddo and Christ deals with the financial system the Euphrates and the Arab systems are brought to subjection and then the Asians march against Christ at Megiddo coming in over Iran and Iraq and through the Euphrates basin.

Prior to that invasion, the satanic forces prepare the opposition to Messiah through the foul spirits of the satanic forces using the Beast system and the power of Satan and the religious system in the last days based on the Sun Cults initially centred on Rome but who then move to the headquarters of the King of the North at Jerusalem over the 42 months.

As soon as Christ arrives at the Mount of Olives it splits in two; but also Satan is seized and bound in the bottomless pit. The false prophet is also killed with the Antichrist and then Christ begins to deal with the world systems firstly in Europe and the US and the Americas but then throughout the world from Russia to China and Japan. All armies of the world in these last days march against Christ and the Host at Jerusalem and Megiddo.

Verses 12-16: This reference goes back to the demons sent out before the coming of the Messiah just before the advent also. Not one army or force will be left standing. The ones who survive will be those who have kept their garments clean and are faithful to the Commandments of God and the Faith or testimony of Christ (Rev. 12:17; 14:12).

The Seventh Vial

Verses 17-21: It is at this phase that the entire earth systems are affected by the effects of the vials and the heating of the earth by the solar activity. The solar heat warms it up, melts much of the ice, and covers the islands of the world. The vials change the structure of the earth. From the return of the Messiah and the ending of the tongue of the Red Sea and through to the great earthquake and the Red Sea Rift and into Africa there is great climatic change which is then used as a punishment for the nations. The hail of a hundredweight (v. 21) is massive and will cause massive destruction and reorganisation of the living conditions of the planet. The reorganisation will continue into the millennium. Little will remain of this world’s system.

Chapter 17

1Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who is seated upon many waters, 2with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and with the wine of whose fornication the dwellers on earth have become drunk.” 3And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness, and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of blasphemous names, and it had seven heads and ten horns. 4The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and bedecked with gold and jewels and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her fornication; 5and on her forehead was written a name of mystery: “Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of earth’s abominations.” 6And I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. When I saw her I marveled greatly. 7But the angel said to me, “Why marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast with seven heads and ten horns that carries her. 8The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is to ascend from the bottomless pit and go to perdition; and the dwellers on earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, will marvel to behold the beast, because it was and is not and is to come. 9This calls for a mind with wisdom: the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman is seated; 10they are also seven kings, five of whom have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come, and when he comes he must remain only a little while. 11As for the beast that was and is not, it is an eighth but it belongs to the seven, and it goes to perdition. 12And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not yet received royal power, but they are to receive authority as kings for one hour, together with the beast. 13These are of one mind and give over their power and authority to the beast; 14they will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful.” 15And he said to me, “The waters that you saw, where the harlot is seated, are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues. 16And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the harlot; they will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire, 17for God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and giving over their royal power to the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. 18And the woman that you saw is the great city which has dominion over the kings of the earth.”

Intent of Chapter 17

(cf. 141B):

The Judgment of the Whore over the Vials of the Wrath of God

The explanation of the destruction of the religious whore of Babylon is given in the next two chapters. One thing that must be clearly understood is that there is no negotiation and no action in these false religious systems will go unpunished. The Sun Cults and their days of worship other than on the Sabbaths and New Moons and Feasts of God will be destroyed.  Not one single system of worship that is not condoned or authorised by the Bible system, and that includes the great heresy of Hillel II and apostate Judaism, will be allowed to survive. None of their priests of the Baal system will be allowed to survive and that includes all these black cassocked priests worshipping on Sundays or Fridays in mosques or even on Sabbaths in Judaism. They will not be allowed to survive. They will all repent or die, and that includes the Churches of God. Not one of these self righteous Sunday worshipping Trinitarian Baptists, Episcopalians, Anglicans, Orthodox or Roman Catholic priests of the American or European systems will be allowed to survive without repentance. It does not matter how much they preach against the Messiah and the Temple system that will be established from Jerusalem.  They will repent or die. Scripture cannot be broken (Jn. 10:34-36). The entire US and North American religious systems based on their civil calendar of the festivals of the Sun Cults will be destroyed as will those of Europe, the Middle East, Asia and South America. They will all make war on the Lamb and march against him over the vials of the wrath of God.  But the whore and all her followers in all the Mystery and Sun Cults will be destroyed as will every building and statue or icon and obelisk or edifice they construct. They will all be destroyed before the commencement of the millennial system. Nothing of this idolatry will go into it or be used in its construction (Rev. 17:1-15).

This whore is dealt with over the last days by the Beast and she is destroyed by the Beast itself under this last empire of the Ten Economic Regions of the NWO of the Beast.

Verses 16-18: This is and was Rome that was the centre of the last empires of the Babylonian system and after its seat of power is destroyed (cf. 299B) and it moves to Jerusalem it will itself be destroyed by Messiah under the direction of God who judges her. Then the entire world is brought to submission under Messiah through the tribulation of the Vials of the Wrath of God and the entire world will be brought into subjection to God under Christ ruling from Jerusalem.


The time frame we see involved in the Last Days as we have proceeded through Parts I and II above is the five months of the War of the Fifth Trumpet and then the devastation of the Sixth Trumpet which is very fast, and then the 1260 days of the Witnesses; the Four days of the coming of the Messiah to 1264 days and then the Hour of the Beast. A prophetic hour is less than a calendar month of the Messiah and the world giving its power to the Beast to make war against the Messiah and the Elect (Rev. 17:11-18).

If we take the period of the Conflict where the 1260 plus the 30 days of the four plus the remainder for the 30 to 1290 days and then 45 days to the 1335 days we see that a 45 day period is left after the Battles of Armageddon where the Abomination that makes Desolate is brought down and seemingly set up in the Holy Place at the coming of the Messiah and the wars of Armageddon and seemingly for the subjugation in the Vials of the Wrath of God and the end of the structure of rebellion.  Blessed are they that come to the end of the 1335 days and the Final Restoration under the Messiah (cf. charts in F027xiii).

In this time Christ returns. He kills this leader at his coming and then brings all the systems of the North and the East down to Megiddo to be destroyed. This is the battle of Armageddon in Revelation 16:16. It also reflects the battle fought by Josiah against Pharaoh Necho in Megiddo at the time of the rise of the Babylonians at the battle of Carchemish (see also 2Chr. 35:22ff.). God was dealing with the matter then and told Judah, out of the mouth of Necho, to stay out of it but Josiah would not listen and its leaders were destroyed. At this time he will restore Judah under Christ (cf. 141E141E_2).

After that event the war will continue to escalate until the planet is almost entirely destroyed. Yet they will not repent.

The sequence is also described in the papers The Seven Seals (No. 140) and The Seven Trumpets (No. 141).

Bullinger’s Notes on Revelation Chs. 14-17 (for KJV)

Chapter 14

Verse 1

looked = saw. App-133.

a = the, as all the texts.

stood = standing.

mount Sion. Compare Hebrews 12:22.

hundred, &c. See Revelation 7:3-8.

His . . . name. The texts read “His name and His Father”s name”. in = upon. App-104.

Verse 2

many waters. See Revelation 1:16Revelation 19:6.

  1. Omit.

I heard, &c. The texts read “the voice which I heard (was that) of harpers”, &c.

harpers, &c. Accompanying the voice.

Verse 3

sung = sing.

new song. See Revelation 5:9.

new. See Matthew 9:17.

that song = the song. Only instance where the words of the song are not given. A new song, by a new company, with a new theme.

but. Literally if (App-118) not (App-105).

were = had been.

redeemed = purchased. Rendered “buy” in Revelation 13:17, &c. See Matthew 13:441 Corinthians 6:20.

earth. App-129.

Verse 4

virgins. The reference is to the pollutions connected with the great religious system under antichrist in the coming days.

from among. App-104.

men. App-123.

being. Read “to be“.

firstfruits. See Romans 8:23.

unto = to.

Verse 5

was . . . guile = was not found (the) lie, as the texts.

without fault. See Ephesians 1:4.

before . . . God. The texts omit.

Verse 6

saw. As “looked”, Revelation 14:1.

another. App-124.

fly = flying.

the. Omit.

midst of heaven. See Revelation 8:13.

the = an.

gospel. Greek. euangelion. Only here in Rev. Compare App-121 and App-140.

preach. App-121.

  1. The texts read epi (App-104.)

Verse 7

loud = great.

glory. See p. 1511.

the hour, &c. Compare Isaiah 61:2 and the point where our Lord stopped in His reading (Luke 4:19).

judgment. App-177. Here; Revelation 16:7Revelation 18:10Revelation 19:2.

worship. App-137.

the. Omit.

Verse 8

there, &c. Read “another (Revelation 14:6), a second angel, followed”.

Babylon . . . city = Fallen, fallen (is) Babylon the great. Compare Revelation 18:2 and Isaiah 21:9.

city. The texts omit.

because she. The texts read “which”.

Verse 9

the third, &c. Read “another (Revelation 14:6), a third”.

Verse 10

The same, &c. = He also (emph.) shall drink.

the . . . God = God”s (App-98.) fury.

without mixture = undiluted.

into. Greek. en. App-104.

tormented. See Revelation 9:5.

brimstone. Gr, theion. See Revelation 9:17.

holy. Greek. hagios. See Acts 9:13.

Verse 11

smoke . . . torment. Compare Isaiah 34:10.

torment. See Revelation 9:5.

for . . . ever = unto ages of ages. Greek. eis (App-104.) aionas aionon. No art, only occurs in this form. Compare App-151. a and App-129.

whosoever = if (App-118. a) any one (App-123.) Figure of speech Synecdoche (of Genus). App-6.

Verse 12

saints. Same as “holy”, Revelation 14:10. See Revelation 11:18.

here are. Omit.

commandments. Greek. entole. In Rev. only here; Revelation 12:17Revelation 22:14.

the faith, &c. i.e. the faith (App-150.) which Jesus gives. Genitive of Relation (Subjective or Objective). App-17.

Jesus. App-98. The first of five occ, in Rev. of the name without the title “Lord” or “Christ”.

Verse 13

unto me. Omit.

Blessed. See Revelation 1:3.

the dead. App-139.

henceforth. Observe the period referred to.

Spirit. App-101.

that = in order that. Greek. hina.

rest. Compare Revelation 6:11.

labours = toilsome labours. See Revelation 2:2.

and. The texts read “for”.

works = rewards. Figure of speech Metonymy (of Cause). App-6.

follow. Add “with” (App-104.)

Verse 14

looked = saw, as Revelation 14:1.

upon. App-104.

sat = sitting.

unto = to.

Son of Man. Last occ of this title. See Matthew 8:20 and App-98. See Psalms 8:4Ezekiel 2:1Daniel 7:13.

crown. See Revelation 2:10 and App-197.

Verse 15

out of. App-104.

Temple. Greek. naos. See Revelation 3:12 and Matthew 23:16.

Him That sat. literally The One sitting.

Thrust in. App-174.

time = hour.

for Thee. Omit.

ripe. Literally dried up.

Verse 16

thrust in = cast. Greek. ballo. Not the word in Revelation 14:15.

Verse 18

out from. App-104.

altar. See Revelation 6:9.

which had = the (one) having.

power. App-172.

fire = the fire. i.e. the altar fire.

cried = he called. Greek. phoneo. Only occurance in Rev.

vine. The vine is the vine of the earth (Deuteronomy 32:32Deuteronomy 32:33). Compare Isaiah 34:1-8Joel 3:12-15Zephaniah 3:8. See Revelation 19:15 and compare Isaiah 63:1-4.

are fully ripe. Greek. akmazo. Only here.

Verse 19

cast. As “thrust”, Revelation 14:16.

Verse 20

by the space of = as far as. Greek. apo. App-104.

thousand. Greek. chilioi. As Revelation 11:3Revelation 12:6, and in Rev 20.

six hundred. See Revelation 13:18.

furlongs. See App-51.

Chapter 15

Verse 1

saw. App-133.

another. App-124.

sign. App-104. See Revelation 12:1.

  1. App-133.

heaven. See Revelation 3:12.

seven angels. Occurs seven times; here, and: Revelation 15:6Revelation 15:7Revelation 15:8Revelation 16:1Revelation 17:1Revelation 21:9.

seven. See App-10and App-197.

plagues. See Revelation 9:20 and App-197.

filled up. Compare App-125.

God. App-98.

Verse 2

sea of glass = glassy sea. See Revelation 4:6.

victory. See Revelation 2:7 and App-197.

over . . . mark. The texts omit.

and. Omit.

stand = standing

the. Omit.

Verse 3

song of Moses. See Exodus 15:1-19Deuteronomy 32:1-43.

song. Greek. ode. See Revelation 5:9.

servant. App-190.

and the song, &c. Two songs are specified in this verse In connection with this “song of the Lamb” compare Psalms 86:9-12Isaiah 66:15Isaiah 66:16Isaiah 66:23Zephaniah 2:11Zechariah 14:16Zechariah 14:17, &c. “Great . . . made manifest “(verses: Revelation 3:4). These are the words of the song of the Lamb; distinct from, but the complement of, the song of Moses.


Almighty = the Almighty. App-98.

just. App-191.

true. App-175. See p. 1511.

saints. The texts read “nations”.

Verse 4

Thee. The texts omit.

glorify. Greek. doxazo. Only here and Revelation 18:7 in Rev. See p. 1511.

holy. See Acts 2:27.

nations = the nations.

worship. App-137.

judgments = righteous sentence. App-177 and App-191.

are = were.

made manifest. App-106.

Verse 5

after that. See Revelation 1:19.

looked. As “saw”, Revelation 15:1.

behold. The texts omit.

Temple. See Matthew 23:16.

testimony. Greek. marturion. Only here in Rev.; marluria in nine other places. Seep. 1511.

Verse 6

out of. App-104.

in . . . linen. The texts read “with precious stone pure and bright”.

having, &c. = girt about (Greek. peri. App-104) the breasts.

Verse 7

beasts. See Revelation 4:8.

unto = to.

vials. See Revelation 5:8 and App-197.

liveth, &c. See Revelation 1:18.

liveth. App-170.

for . . . ever. App-151.

Verse 8

glory. See p. 1511.

power. App-172.

no man = no one. Greek. oudeis.

into. App-104.

were fulfilled. Compare App-125.

Chapter 16

Verse 1

out of. App-104.

Temple. See Matthew 23:16.

seven angels. See Revelation 15:1.

Go . . . ways = Go forth. Greek. hupago.

vials. See Revelation 15:7.

God. App-98.

upon = into. Greek. eis.

earth. App-129.

Verse 2

went = went forth. Greek. aperchomai.

upon. Greek. epi, but the texts read eis as Revelation 16:1.

fell. Literally came or became.

noisome. App-128.

grievous. App-128.

sore = ulcer. Greek. helkos. Only here, Revelation 16:11Luke 16:21.

upon. Greek. eis, but the texts read epi (App-104.)

men. App-123.

mark. See Revelation 13:16.

beast. See Revelation 12:1.

upon them. Omit.

which worshipped = those worshipping (App-137.)

Verse 3

angel. Omit.

dead man. App-139.

living soul. Literally soul of life. Compare App-13.

living. App-170.

soul = creature. App-110.

  1. App-104.

Verse 5

righteous. App-191.

O Lord. The texts omit.

and Shalt be. The texts read “Thou Holy One”.

judged. App-122.

Verse 6

have. Omit.

saints. See Acts 9:13.

prophets. App-189.

for. The texts omit.

Verse 7

another out of. The texts omit. Supply the ellipsis with “the angel of”; compare angel of the waters, Revelation 16:5.


Almighty. App-98.

true. App-175. See p. 1511.

judgments. App-177.

Verse 8

upon. App-104.

power, &c. = it was given.

unto = to.

with. Greek. en. App-104.

Verse 9

power. The texts add “the”. App-172.

over. App-104.

repented. App-111.

not. App-106.

glory. See p. 1511.

Verse 10

seat = throne.

was, &c. = became darkened. Compare Revelation 8:12Revelation 9:2.

for. Greek. ek. App-104.

Verse 11

And Add “they”.

the God of heaven. See Revelation 11:13.

heaven. See Revelation 3:12.

because of, of. Greek. ek. App-104.

and. Add “because of” (ek, as above).

Verse 12

that = in order that. Greek. hina. kings. Supply “that come“.

  1. Greek. apo. App-104.

the east. Literally the rising of the sun.

Verse 13

Saw: App-133.

spirits. App-101.

like = as it were, with texts.

dragon. See Revelation 12:3.

false prophet. Greek. pseudoprophetes. In Rev. here; Revelation 19:20Revelation 20:10. See Revelation 13:11-17.

Verse 14

the. Omit.

devils = demons.

miracles. App-176.

unto. Greek. epi. App-104.

of the earth and. The texts omit.

world. App-129.

that = the.

Almighty. Add “the”. See Revelation 16:7.

Verse 15

This verse forms a parenthesis.

come, &c. See 1 Thessalonians 6:2.

Blessed. See Revelation 1:3.

lest = in order that (Greek. hina) not (App-105).

see. App-133.

shame. The Greek word only here and Romans 1:27 (unseemly).

Verse 16

a = the.

the. Omit.

tongue. Omit.

Armageddon. Greek. harmagedon, as most texts. The word = mount of Megiddo. Therefore in Palestine, not Europe. See Judges 5:19, &c. In Isaiah 10:28 the Septuagint reads “Maggedo“, for Migron.

Verse 17

into. Greek. eis as in Revelation 16:16; but the texts read epi (App-104.)

out of. Greek. apo. The texts read ek (as Revelation 16:1).

of heaven. The texts omit.

from. App-104.

Verse 18

were, was. Literally came to be.

voices, &c. The texts read “lightnings, and voices, and thunders”. See Revelation 4:5.

earthquake. Occurs seven times in Rev. See Revelation 6:12.

and. Read “or”.

Verse 19

was divided. Literally became.

great Babylon. Compare Daniel 4:30.

came, &c. Literally was remembered.

fierceness. Greek. thumos (wrath, in Revelation 16:1).

wrath. Greek. orge. Figure of speech Pleonasm. App-6.

Verse 21

talent. See App-61.

Chapter 17

Verse 1

seven angels . . . vials. See Revelation 15:7.

talked. App-121.

unto me. The texts omit.

unto = to.

judgment. App-177.

waters. See Revelation 17:15.

Verse 2

earth. App-129.

have. Omit.

the inhabiters, &c. The texts rend “they that inhabit the earth were made drunken”, &c.

Verse 3

So = And.

Spirit. App-101. See Revelation 1:10.

the. No art., but this is often omitted after a preposition.

saw. App-133.

a woman. i.e. “that great city” of Revelation 17:18.

sit = sitting; as supported by that being described in verses: Revelation 17:8-11.

upon. App-104.

heads. These are the kings of Revelation 17:10.

Verse 4

decked. Literally “gilded”.

stones = stone.

golden cup. Compare Jeremiah 51:7.

abominations. Greek. bdelugma, used in Septuagint of an idol (2 Kings 23:13, &c.); in plural, of idolatry (Deuteronomy 18:9, &c). Called “abominations” because of the uncleanness practiced in the worship.

and filthiness = and having the unclean things; as the texts.

Verse 5

MYSTERY. See App-193and App-. The verse should be read, “And upon her forehead (she had) a name written, a secret symbol (musterion), BABYLON THE GREAT, the mother of the harlots and of the abominations of the earth”. The name of the woman is therefore a secret sign or symbol of “that great city” which she personifies (Revelation 17:18).

HARLOTS = the harlots.

OF THE EARTH. Babylon is the fountain-head of all idolatry and systems of false worship. This is the “mystery of iniquity” (2 Thessalonians 2:7) seen in all the great “religions” of the world. All alike substitute another god for the God of the Bible; a god made either with the hands or with the imagination, but equally made; a religion consisting of human merit and endeavor. The “Reunion of the Churches” of Christendom and the “League of Nations” are two of the most arresting signs of the times.

Verse 6

saints. See Acts 9:13.

martyrs. See p. 1511.

Jesus. App-98.

admiration = wonder. In this phrase is the Figure of speech Polyptoton. App-6.

Verse 7

marvel. As “wonder”, verses: Revelation 17:6Revelation 17:8.

Verse 8

was, &c. Implying a time between Rev. 12 and Rev. 13.

shall = is about to.

perdition. See John 17:12.

names. The texts read “name”.

were not = hath not been.

book. &c. See Philippians 1:4Philippians 1:3.

life. App-170.

foundation, &c. See App-146.

behold. App-133.

that. The texts read “because it”.

and yet is = and shall be present; as the texts.

Verse 9

And. Omit.

mind. Same as “understanding” in Revelation 13:18.

wisdom. Compare App-132.

The . . . sitteth. This belongs to Revelation 17:10.

are. i.e. represent.

  1. App-104.

Verse 10

there. Greek. they.

are fallen = fell.

and. Omit.

one = the one is. i.e. at this stage of the vision.

and. Omit.

other. The seventh. App-124.

not yet. Greek. oupo.

cometh = shall have come.

continue. See p. 1511 (abide).

Verse 11

he = he himself (emph.)

the = an.

  1. Omit. This being is described as an eighth head, not king.

Verse 12

no . . . as yet. As “not yet” above.

power. App-172.

one hour, i.e. at one and the same hour. Confusion results from substituting “kingdoms” for “kings” in the connection. The Holy Spirit says kings; who and what they are will be known at the time of their association with the beast.

Verse 13

mind. App-177.

shall give. The texts read “they give”, i.e. of their own free will.

power. App-172.1 and Revelation 176:1.

strength. App-172.

Verse 14

overcome. As in Rev 2and Rev 3. See App-197.

Lord. App-98.

lords. App-98.

called. Greek. kletos. Only here in Rev. First occurance. Matthew 20:16.

chosen. Greek. eklektos. Only here in Rev. See Matthew 20:16 (first occ).

faithful. See App-150and App-175.

Verse 16

upon. Greek. epi; but the texts read “and”.

shall = will.

her. i.e. the city. Compare Jeremiah 50:32.

Verse 17

hath put = put. Literally “gave”.

fulfil. Literally “do”.

will. App-177.

agree = carry out (literally “do”) one purpose (App-177.)

kingdom. Singular. Compare Revelation 17:12.

words. Greek. rhema, but the texts read App-121.

fulfilled. Compare App-125.

Verse 18

that = the.

reigneth. Literally having a kingdom, or sovereignty.

kings . . . earth. Those who are so called in Revelation 16:14. See also Revelation 17:2.