Christian Churches of God
No. F066

Commentary on Revelation: Introduction and Part 1

(Edition 2.0 20210318-20220625)
Commentary on Chapters 1-5
Christian Churches of God


(Copyright © 2021, 2022 Wade Cox)

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Commentary on Revelation: Introduction and Part 1


The Book of Revelation given to the Apostle John was revealed by God to Jesus Christ, who then gave it to John (1:1; 4:9; 22:8), while he was exiled by the emperor Domitian on the isle of Patmos (v. 1:9). Many groups and some Roman apologists have tried to diminish this work and some have tried to remove it from the Bible text, although none have succeeded for long, as it shows that the Antinomian Gnostic beliefs are seriously criticised and false. The Gnostic Doctrines of Heaven and Hell and the wealth and pageantry that was to become Rome was held in great criticism, and as we will see, as we examine each of the twenty two chapters, just what the plan of God is and how it is to unfold. The History of the Canon is examined in the text The Bible (No. 164).

The text carries on the prophecies of God through the Creation of God and the OT Patriarchs and  Prophets, from Adam to Christ and the Apostles, especially Daniel (F027) and Ezekiel (F026) as well as Jonah and others. In this text God has revealed the religious world as it was to be unfurled and shows the total corruption of the faith by the mainstream religious systems under Satan as god of this world (2Cor. 4:4).  It shows the sequence of the corruption of world religion and the final destruction of the religious system under the religious whore of the Babylonian system and the final Empire of the Beast that turns on and destroys the whore. The text speaks of the Churches and their problems (chs. 2-3) and speaks of the time the Messiah qualifies and enters the throne room of God from the Resurrection (chs. 4-5). The text deals with the Seven Seals (ch. 6), the servants of the Living God (ch. 7), the Seven Trumpets (chs. 8-9), the Last Prophecies (ch. 10), the Measuring of the Temple and the Witnesses (ch. 11), the Persecution of the Church and the destruction of the false system (chs. 12-16),  and the Seven Vials of the Wrath of God (ch. 17) that were to unfold over the Millennia, and the destruction of the world and the great false system (chs. 18-19), until the Last Days. The text then tells of the coming of the Messiah and the Angelic Host to subjugate the world and usher in the millennial thousand-year Sabbath Reign of the Messiah, and then the final Resurrection of the entire world’s dead, including the Fallen Host, and their retraining for a Spiritual existence (chs. 20-21). The text then tells of the coming of God to the earth, with the City of God (180), which is Heavenly Jerusalem, of which Christ shall be High Priest of the order of Melchisedek (F058), serving God. From that time the City of God will rule the universe from the earth, as we see in the final chapter 22.

Book Overview – Revelation

by E.W. Bullinger


Rev 4-5 IN HEAVEN. (The Throne, the Book, and the Lamb.)
Revelation 6:1 – Revelation 7:8 ON EARTH. (The Six Seals and 144,000.)
Revelation 7:9 – Revelation 8:6 IN HEAVEN. (The Great Multitude and the Seventh Seal.)
Revelation 8:7 – Revelation 11:14 ON EARTH. (The Six Trumpets.)
Revelation 11:15-19 IN HEAVEN. (The Seventh Trumpet.)
Revelation 11:19 ON EARTH. (The Earthquake, &c.)
Revelation 12:1-12. IN HEAVEN. (Woman, Child, and Dragon.) [Satan”s First Rebellion. 4 ]
Revelation 12:13 – Revelation 13:18 ON EARTH. (The Dragon and Two Beasts.)
Revelation 14:1-5 IN HEAVEN. (The Lamb and 144,000.)
Revelation 14:6-20 ON EARTH. (The Six Angels.)
Revelation 15:1-8. IN HEAVEN. (The Seven Vial Angels.)
Revelation 16:1 – Revelation 18:24. ON EARTH. (The Seven Vials.)
Revelation 19:1-16. IN HEAVEN. (The Marriage of the Lamb, &c.)
Revelation 19:17 – Revelation 20:15 ON EARTH. (The Final Five Judgments.)
Revelation 21:1 – Revelation 22:5. THE PEOPLE ON THE NEW EARTH.
Revelation 22:6-21. CONCLUSION.

(Note . The Structures in the Notes are taken from Dr. E.W. Bullinger’s comprehensive work, The Apocalypse , but as not all in that volume are here given, the lettering is not consecutive throughout. This, however, does not interfere with the study of the Structures presented.)


1 . TITLE OF THE BOOK. Man calls it “The Revelation of St. John the Divine”. But its God-given title is in the first verse, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”, that is, the Unveiling, Revealing, and Presentation to earth and heaven of the Lord Jesus Christ (Messiah) as “KING of Kings and LORD of Lords”. It is spoken of as:(a) “The word of God” (Revelation 1:2), in the sense in which the term occurs in the Old Testament (Cp. 1 Chronicles 17:3. Jeremiah 1:4, Jeremiah 1:13. Ezekiel 1:3. Joel 1:1; &c.):(b) “This prophecy” (Revelation 1:3): therefore a prophetic message. The “blessing” here promised makes it clear that from this verse (and not 4:1, as many suppose) to the end the Book concerns things yet future:(c) “The testimony of Jesus Christ” (Revelation 1:2, Revelation 1:9). Either as testimony to Him as the Coming One (Genitive of the Object): or, the testimony He bore on earth (Gen. of the Subject; Appdx-17); probably both.

2 . AUTHORSHIP. The testimony of Melito , bishop of Sardis (c. 170), quoted by Eusebius ; Irenaeus (c. 180); the Mutatorian Cannon fragment (c. 200);
Clement of Alexandria (c. 200); Tertullian (c. 200); Origen (c. 233); Hippolytus , bishop of Pontus (c. 240); &c., may fairly be accepted as to the writer being John the “beloved disciple” and apostle, as against the claims of a supposed John, “an Elder (cp. Peter’s eldership, 1 Peter 5:1) resident in Asia”, who is hailed by “the majority of modern critics” as being the author of the Johannine letters (see Introductory Notes to 1 John) and the Revelation (Appdx-197 ).

3 . DATE WRITTEN. This by almost unanimous consent if the early Church writers is ascribed to the close of the reign of the Emperor Domitian, about A.D. 96. At the time of the so-called: Second General Persecution “of the “Christians”.

4 . To Whom it was originally sent is unknown. We have no clue, and therefore all speculations on the subject are valueless. (For Characteristics, Scope, Symbolism, &c., of Revelation , see Appdx-197 .)

>In the Wilderness.

1. EPHESUS. Israel’s espousals.
2. SMYRNA. Israel’s testing.
3. PERGAMOS. Israel’s failure.
In the Land. Churches that Jesus found no fault with.
4. THYATIRA. The day of Israel’s kings.
5. SARDIS. Israel’s removal.
6. PHILADELPHIA. The day of Judah’ kings.
7. LAODICEA. Judah’s removal.

Revelation 4:1 – Revelation 5:14. THE FIRST VISION IN HEAVEN.
Revelation 4:1-8 -. The throne, the elders, and the zoa .
Revelation 4:8-11. The utterances of the zoa and the elders. Theme: creation .
Revelation 5:1-7. The throne and the book: the Lion and the Lamb.
Revelation 5:8-14. The new Song of the zoe and the elders. Other heavenly utterances. Theme: redemption .

Revelation 6:1 – Revelation 7:8. THE SIX SEALS AND THE SEALING.
Revelation 6:1-2. The false Christ going forth to make war on the saints. (1st seal.) Matthew 24:4, Matthew 24:5.
Matthew 6:3-8. Judgments on him and his followers. (2nd, 3rd, and 4th seals.) Matthew 24:6-7.
Matthew 6:9-11. The effects of the war with the saints. Their martyrdom. (5th seal.) Matthew 24:8-28.
Matthew 6:12-17. Judgments on him and his followers. (6th seal.) Matthew 24:29, Matthew 24:30. Question, “Who will be able to stand?”
Revelation 7:1-8. Answer to question, by the sealing of 144,000, enabling them to stand in judgment. Matthew 24:31.

Revelation 7:9 – Revelation 8:6. THE SECOND VISION IN HEAVEN.
Revelation 7:9-12. The heavenly voices and utterances.
Revelation 7:13-14. The great multitude. Whence they came.
Revelation 7:15-17. The great multitude. Where they are.
Revelation 8:1-6. The heavenly silence and activities (seventh seal).

Revelation 8:7 – Revelation 11:14. THE SECOND VISION ON EARTH.
The first six trumpets .
Revelation 8:7 -. The FIRST trumpet.
Revelation 8:7 -. The earth smitten (hail and fire, &c.).
Revelation 8:7. The third part of trees.
Revelation 8:8 -. The SECOND trumpet.
Revelation 8:8 -. The sea smitten (burning mountains, &c.).
Revelation 8:8. Third part of sea blood.
Revelation 8:9. Death of living creatures in sea. The four trumpets.
Revelation 8:10 -. The THIRD trumpet.
Revelation 8:10-11 -. The waters smitten (star falling, &c.).
Revelation 8:11 -. Third part of waters wormwood.
Revelation 8:11. Death of men.
Revelation 8:12 -. The FOURTH trumpet.
Revelation 8:12 -. The heaven smitten (sun, moon, and stars).
Revelation 8:12. Third part darkened.
Revelation 8:13. Three woes yet to come.
Revelation 9:1-11. The FIFTH trumpet. (The first woe).
Revelation 9:12. The termination of first woe (“The first woe is past”). The first two
Revelation 9:13 – Revelation 11:13 The SIXTH trumpet. (The second woe.) woe trumpets.
Revelation 11:14 -. The termination of second woe (“The second woe is past”).
Revelation 11:14. “The third woe cometh quickly.

Revelation 11:15-19 -. THE THIRD VISION IN HEAVEN.
Revelation 11:15 -. The sounding of the seventh trumpet in heaven.
Revelation 11:15 -. Great voices in heaven.
Revelation 11:15. Their utterance.
Revelation 11:16. The twenty-four elders.
Revelation 11:17-18. Their utterance.
Revelation 11:19 -. The opening of God””s Temple in heaven.

Revelation 12:13 – Revelation 13:18. THE FOURTH VISION “ON EARTH”.
Revelation 12:13-17. The effect as regards Israel.
Revelation 13:1-18. The effect as regards the earth.

Revelation 14:6-20. THE FIFTH VISION “ON EARTH”.
and the Son of Man.
Revelation 14:6. The first Angel
Revelation 14:7. His proclamation.
Revelation 14:8 -. The second Angel.
Revelation 14:8. His declaration.
Revelation 14:9 -. The third Angel.
Revelation 14:9-13. His denunciation (Revelation 14:9-11). His consolation (Revelation 14:12-13).
Revelation 14:14 -. The Son of Man.
Revelation 14:14. What He had. A sharp sickle.
Revelation 14:15 -. The forth Angel.
Revelation 14:15-16. His command to the Son of Man (-15). Its execution (16).
Revelation 14:17 -. The fifth Angel.
Revelation 14:17. What he had. The sharp sickle.
Revelation 14:18 -. The sixth Angel.
Revelation 14:18-20. His command to the fifth angel (- Revelation 14:18). Its execution (Revelation 14:19-20).

Revelation 15:1-8. THE SIXTH VISION “IN HEAVEN”.
Revelation 15:1. The seven angels.
Revelation 15:2-4. Worship offered.
Revelation 15:5-7. The seven angels.
Revelation 15:8. Worship no longer possible.

Revelation 18:1-2. Babylon””s judgment. Announcement of it.
Revelation 18:3. Babylon””s associates. Their sin.
Revelation 18:4. God””s people. Call to “Come out of her”.
Revelation 18:5-8. Babylon””s judgment. Reason for it.
Revelation 18:9-19. Babylon””s inhabitants. Their lamentation.
Revelation 18:20. God””s people. Call to “Rejoice over her”.
Revelation 18:21. Babylon””s judgment. Manner of it.
Revelation 18:22-23. Babylon””s inhabitants. Their silence.
Revelation 18:24. God””s people. Their blood “found in her”.

Revelation 19:1 -. The voice of the great multitude.
Revelation 19:1. Hallelujah. 1st
Revelation 19:2-3 -. Reason. utterance.
Revelation 19:3. The smoke and destruction of the harlot.
Revelation 19:4. Prostration of the elders (2nd utterance).
Revelation 19:5. Exhortation from the throne (3rd utterance) to the servants of God (Pos.).
Revelation 19:6 -. The voice of the great multitude.
Revelation 19:6-7 -. Hallelujah. 4th
Revelation 19:7. Reason. utterance.
Revelation 19:8-9 -. The array and blessedness of the wife.
Revelation 19:9-10 -. Prostration of John.
Revelation 19:10. Exhortation of angel to John, his fellow servant (Neg.).

Revelation 19:17 – Revelation 20:15. THE SEVENTH (AND LAST) VISION
Revelation 19:17-21. Men. The judgment of the beast and the false prophet.
Revelation 20:1-3. Satan. The judgment of Satan (before the millennium).
Revelation 20:4-6. Men. The judgment of the over-comers. The “rest of the dead” left for judgment.
Revelation 20:7-10. Satan. The judgment of Satan. (After the millennium).
Revelation 20:11-15. Men. The judgment of the great white throne.

Revelation 21:1 – Revelation 22:5. THE PEOPLE ON THE NEW EARTH.
Revelation 21:1-2. Visions (heavens and earth, &c.).
Revelation 21:3-8. Voices.
Revelation 21:9 – Revelation 22:5. Visions (the bride).


Revelation Chapters 1-5 (RSV)

Chapter 1

1The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place; he made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, 2who testified to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that he saw. 3Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of the prophecy, and blessed are those who hear and who keep what is written in it; for the time is near. 4John to the seven churches that are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before his throne, 5and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and freed us from our sins by his blood, 6and made us to be a kingdom, priests serving his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. 7Look! He is coming with the clouds; every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and on his account all the tribes of the earth will wail. So it is to be. Amen. 8“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty. 9I, John, your brother who share with you in Jesus the persecution and the kingdom and the patient endurance, was on the island called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. 10I was in the spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet 11saying, “Write in a book what you see and send it to the seven churches, to Ephesus, to Smyrna, to Pergamum, to Thyatira, to Sardis, to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea.” 12Then I turned to see whose voice it was that spoke to me, and on turning I saw seven golden lampstands, 13and in the midst of the lampstands I saw one like the Son of Man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden sash across his chest. 14His head and his hair were white as white wool, white as snow; his eyes were like a flame of fire, 15his feet were like burnished bronze, refined as in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of many waters. 16In his right hand he held seven stars, and from his mouth came a sharp, two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining with full force. 17When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. But he placed his right hand on me, saying, “Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, 18and the living one. I was dead, and see, I am alive forever and ever; and I have the keys of Death and of Hades. 19Now write what you have seen, what is, and what is to take place after this. 20As for the mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand, and the seven golden lampstands: the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.

Intent of Chapter 1

The Book of Revelation of God to Jesus Christ involved the plan of Salvation over the six thousand years and the Seventh thousand year Millennium and the Great White Throne Judgment.

Revelation is comprised of the Creation of Adam and his thirty years of judgment in the Garden and the conflict of false religion and the fall of mankind as a result of the First Seal which represents false religion. Satan caused the fall of man with the introduction of a belief other than the word of God. The false religion caused the corruption of mankind and the Seven Seals began to be opened. Satan used the doctrines of the Sun and Mystery cults to destroy the antediluvian world. Noah and his family were saved and the human race was started again in him. The first five seals are False Religion, War and Conquest and Pestilence and then Death and Persecution of the Saints of the Most High. False religion has been the cause of all wars since the beginning. On the reorganisation the false religion of the Sun and the Mystery cults became again entrenched by Satan and the cycles of war, conquest, pestilence and death commenced all over again.

The Fifth Seal of Persecution of the faith and the elect of the One True God began with the election of the Patriarchs and Prophets and they were persecuted and killed all the way from Babel to Egypt and then in Israel and Judah. Each time Israel sinned they went into captivity and that lasted until the coming of the Messiah.  The Sixth Seal was signalled at the birth of the Messiah with the star in the heavens and then the sun was hidden and the temple veil torn on the death of the Messiah. The Heavenly Signs became active in the Last Days in 1967 at the recapture of Jerusalem and will continue on now until the Return of the Messiah. The Seventh Seal was opened at the beginning of the Wars of the End. (See the paper The Seven Seals (No. 140).)

The Seven Spirits and the Angels of the Seven Churches

We will see that the structure of Revelation Chapter One is broken up into distinct phases based on the seven and eight structure representing the Seven Spirits of God under Christ and the Four of the Throne of God. (cf. The Seven Spirits of God (No. 064)).

Verses 1-6: The first part is in the structure to verse 6, which deals with the election of the saints as a kingdom of priests to the God and Father of Christ. Thus six is the number of man and the Amen. John is speaking to the Seven Churches from Christ and the Seven Spirits before the Throne of God. The first section ends in the sequence as six because it is at the end of the six thousand years of Satan’s rule and the end had come signified by Amen. Then we are told, “Behold he is coming”, at the seventh verse. The divisions are no simple later additions by accident – they follow the structure of the text.

Verses 7-8: The seventh verse is ended with Amen. The eighth verse is then a pronouncement of the supremacy of God as the Alpha and Omega. This title is then conferred later on the Messiah in his function through Revelation (see the paper Arche of the Creation of God as Alpha and Omega (No. 229)).

We then commence the next eight-verse structure, which explains the symbolism.

Verse 9: John says where he was, and then commences to speak of the Day of the Lord. This is not a day of the week but the end of the sequence under Satan (see the paper The Day of the Lord and the Last Days (No. 192)).

As we have seen from the Pillars of Philadelphia (No. 283): John had been imprisoned because of his testimony and he was in fact kept alive to receive this Revelation, which God gave to Jesus Christ. The book is called the Apocalypse (Greek for Revealing) of John by the Roman system in spite of the fact that it is a revelation of God to Jesus Christ and which he then gave to John. This means that Christ was not omniscient even after his resurrection and was dependent upon the willing self-revelation of God and hence was not God in the sense that the Eternal Father was God.

In this text Christ tells John to write what is then and what was to take place thereafter. He explains that the seven stars are the seven angels of the seven churches and that the seven golden lampstands are the seven churches over which they preside.

This text tells us a number of things:

  • The seven churches have a lamp of their own.
  • The seven angels are stars in their own right.
  • The message is given to each one of them separately.

From this we deduce that each church and each angel is directly responsible to Jesus Christ and there is no continuity of people and authority from one church to another. Jesus Christ has the two edged sword proceeding from His mouth which is the word of the Law of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. We will see that failure is punished by the removal of authority symbolised by the candlestick or lampstand itself. This power may well extend into the future with divisions of authority beyond the earth’s sphere.

The message was for what was then and for what was to come. Thus this prophecy covered the time span of the churches. The argument might be and has been put forward that the churches themselves at those locations simply were covered by the prophecy and when they perished so did the time frame of the prophecy. This view is not supported by the history of the churches themselves in those locations. We have the Ephesian and the Smyrna era correctly placed and the administration did go from one to another. However, the Ephesian church did not recover in any sense that might be of the great significance required by the works and prophecies here in the Revelation of God to Jesus Christ. Moreover, there must be a more important message involved or the prophecy would seem to be open to the charge of trivialising the importance of prophecy to the churches over time (cf. No. 283).

Verses 10-16: John names the Seven Churches and then identifies the structure of eight, which are the seven golden lampstands and the eighth is the Son of Man who stands among them and commands them. He has seven stars in his hand.

Verses 17-20: Here in a structure of four verses Christ explains the Seven Stars as the angels of the Seven Churches and that the seven Golden Lampstands are the Seven Churches.

Each Church is thus a lampstand that has an angel responsible for it. The word is aster (SGD 792) and is the same as used for the stars of the Host elsewhere in the text. The word comes from the base of stronummi (hence astronomy), which literally means to spread or to strew. The term is used for the Host because it is their task to spread the knowledge of God and they use the lampstands, which are the Church, to do that.

The Holy Spirit is the comforter of the Church and controls the Seven Spirits of God within it. It comes from God through Christ to the elect. It is in effect the River that is divided into seven channels so that humans are able to access it and use it for the glory of God and to become sons of God.

Chapters 2 and 3 deal with the Seven Churches and are also examined in detail in the text the Pillars of Philadelphia (No. 283).

It is important to note in this text that the Seven Churches are spoken to with the angels in charge of them so that the angels are responsible for making sure that the message is understood.

These are not just seven distinct Churches. They also represent the fact that the Seven Spirits of God are present in each Church and that each Church has elements of the whole seven among them.

Chapter 2

1″To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand, who walks among the seven golden lampstands: 2“I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance. I know that you cannot tolerate evildoers; you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them to be false. 3I also know that you are enduring patiently and bearing up for the sake of my name, and that you have not grown weary. 4But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. 5Remember then from what you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent. 6Yet this is to your credit: you hate the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. 7Let anyone who has an ear listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches. To everyone who conquers, I will give permission to eat from the tree of life that is in the paradise of God. 8“And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: These are the words of the first and the last, who was dead and came to life: 9“I know your affliction and your poverty, even though you are rich. I know the slander on the part of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. 10Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Beware, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison so that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have affliction. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. 11Let anyone who has an ear listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches. Whoever conquers will not be harmed by the second death. 12“And to the angel of the church in Pergamum write: These are the words of him who has the sharp two-edged sword: 13“I know where you are living, where Satan’s throne is. Yet you are holding fast to my name, and you did not deny your faith in me even in the days of Antipas my witness, my faithful one, who was killed among you, where Satan lives. 14But I have a few things against you: you have some there who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the people of Israel, so that they would eat food sacrificed to idols and practice fornication. 15So you also have some who hold to the teaching of the Nicolaitans. 16Repent then. If not, I will come to you soon and make war against them with the sword of my mouth. 17Let anyone who has an ear listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches. To everyone who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give a white stone, and on the white stone is written a new name that no one knows except the one who receives it. 18“And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write: These are the words of the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and whose feet are like burnished bronze: 19“I know your works—your love, faith, service, and patient endurance. I know that your last works are greater than the first. 20But I have this against you: you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet and is teaching and beguiling my servants to practice fornication and to eat food sacrificed to idols. 21I gave her time to repent, but she refuses to repent of her fornication. 22Beware, I am throwing her on a bed, and those who commit adultery with her I am throwing into great distress, unless they repent of her doings; 23and I will strike her children dead. And all the churches will know that I am the one who searches minds and hearts, and I will give to each of you as your works deserve. 24But to the rest of you in Thyatira, who do not hold this teaching, who have not learned what some call “the deep things of Satan,’ to you I say, I do not lay on you any other burden; 25only hold fast to what you have until I come. 26To everyone who conquers and continues to do my works to the end, I will give authority over the nations; 27to rule them with an iron rod, as when clay pots are shattered—28even as I also received authority from my Father. To the one who conquers I will also give the morning star. 29Let anyone who has an ear listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches.

Intent of chapter 2

Verses 1-7: The structure is again in a sequence of seven in the address to the church at Ephesus.

Again from No. 283:

John is told to write to his own church. In this first church we are close to the scene and within the period of John. The great controversies mentioned by John in the epistles of John cover these disputes up until the time of the Revelation. This is the time referred to as being what is. Modern critics claim that the text refers to the activities in Rome during the time of Nero but that is not correct. The early church accepted it as prophetic for hundreds of years. The texts were written in the terms of the end of the first century and within the terms of reference that they would understand but are for events over the millennia ahead.

The importance of Ephesus and Antioch to the Church should not be underestimated. Yet Antioch under Peter and his successors gets no mention in these prophecies at all. Areas that were then not even bishoprics get mentioned.

The falling away or the loss of the first love of this era and church is easily identified and not in dispute. What is in question is the relevance of the time frame and locations to the Churches of God.

The Ephesian church was undoubtedly an early and premier centre of the early church.

(cf. No. 283).  The structure of the churches are also discussed in the Commentary on the Koran Surah 18: The Cave (Q018).

Verses 8-16: We then go on to the next sequence of seven in the message to the church in Smyrna (cf. also 283)

The arrival of Christianity to Smyrna is unknown. The first indications of it come from the Book of Revelation in these texts. John is however given information regarding what is to happen to Smyrna in the future and when he wrote it certainly did not have a “lampstand” of any note. There is no record other than that of Revelation of the church in Smyrna until the end of the first century.

The text in verses 8-11 refers to the persecution of Smyrna. The Church in Smyrna actually took over as leader from Ephesus after John died and the disciple Polycarp administered the Church from there establishing churches as far away as Lyon in Gaul in what is now Southern France from 120 CE. His assistant, also Smyrna trained, was Hippolytus who became bishop at Ostia Attica, the port city near Rome and had cause to be highly critical of the power at Rome. The Roman clerics later tried to denounce him as an antipope but he was not, and never was a bishop at Rome.

The ten days (v.10) actually refers to the major persecution of Diocletian, which was three years in the West, but continued for ten years in the East from 303 to 313 CE. The persecutions were placed at an end in 314 by the edict of Milan called the Edict of Toleration issued by Constantine who then tried to regularise Christian worship in the Roman Empire. The Jews persecuted the Church under the Smyrna era right up until the end of the Jewish Arab kingdoms, which lasted until the rise of Islam. The influence of the Jews at this time was extensive and stretched into Africa via the horn into Ethiopia. It was during this period that the rabbinical Jewish system implemented the Hillel Calendar and changed the dates to accord with later post-Temple period rabbinical tradition. The calendar was changed in 358 CE under Rabbi Hillel II based on a system of calculation brought from Babylon by two Babylonian rabbis in 344 CE (cf. the paper God’s Calendar (No. 156)).

The Sabbath-keeping church in Smyrna suffered a decline through the Trinitarian and pagan Easter/Christmas system introduced there in the end of the fourth century. The Sabbatarians then were forced further east for a period of time (see the paper Origins of Christmas and Easter (No. 235)) (cf. No. 283).

The conflicts in the Church emerged in the Second Century Quartodeciman Disputes (No. 277). They continued on in the development over the Third and Fourth Centuries and emerged as the Unitarian/ Trinitarian Wars (No. 268).

Church at Pergamum (Verses 12-17)

Verse 16 is the call to repent.

The Pergamos Era was a military phase that involved the Church of God at Petra and Becca (cf. Commentary on the Koran: Chronology of the Koran Part II:  Becca and the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs (No. Q001D)). So also it involved the Paulicians to the West up to the Taurus Mountains. (cf. also Establishment of the Church under the Seventy (No. 122D)).

Verse 17 does not begin the next sequence but reinforces the fact that God is speaking to the whole sequence of Churches and not just to one Church (cf. also P283 re below):

The mention of Antipas is done proleptically and Bullinger holds this to refer to a future witness, as there was none within the Biblical period of this name. The text is thus prophetic and refers to future events and not to historic events of the first century. Antipas is a combination of anti (SGD 473) or “in place of” or “because of” and pater (SGD 3962) meaning “father.” It is thus a generic term carrying the same sense as Antipater. It carries in this sense a terminology of meaning martyred because of the father. This was indeed the situation with the Pergamos era. The martyrdoms were carried out there through the Trinitarian persecutions of the Unitarian Paulicians who refused to accept the Trinity enforced through Byzantine rule.

The stone with a new name (v. 17) is symbolic of citizenship. This represents citizenship of the City of God. So also we see the details of the churches in the Middle East at 122D above. The story of the Paulicians is found in the General Distribution of the Sabbath-keeping Churches (No. 122) and also Role of the Fourth Commandment in the Historical Sabbath-keeping Churches of God (No. 170).

This church was alive and operating until the nineteenth century and in the twentieth century it suffered martyrdom and the survivors were sent to the gulags in Siberia. It is not operational but survivors are still there.

This brings us to the next era to take over from the Pergamos era. That is the Thyatiran. (cf. No. 283)

The next sequence starts at verse 18:

(cf. The Nicolaitans (No. 202) and The Doctrine of Balaam and Balaam’s Prophecy (No. 204)).

Verses 18-29: The sequence to Thyatira is in the complete sequence of twelve. The first eleven verses are directed at Thyatira but the twelfth verse goes on to emphasise that the Spirit is speaking to all the Churches of God.

The theory that Jezebel in Revelation  2:20 was a priestess at this shrine can hardly be true since Jezebel was evidently tolerated by the Church at Thyatira as a member, and was accepted by a minority of these Christians as a prophetess (cf. also 283). It is highly probable that there was a Jewish settlement there. Acts 16:14 supports this conclusion. When at Philippi, Paul, Silas and Timothy, seeking on the Sabbath the Jewish place of prayer, came “to the riverside” “outside the gate,” they found a group of “women who had come together,” and among them was “Lydia, from the city of Thyatira.” She was there as a “seller of purple goods” made in Thyatira, and she was a “worshipper of God,” a Gentile who had been drawn to Judaism, probably through contact with Jews at Thyatira, but who had not become a proselyte.

It is not clear when or by whom the Christian gospel was first preached in that city. One possibility suggested by Acts 19:10 is that during Paul’s ministry at Ephesus one or more of his helpers or converts went to Thyatira and founded the church there. When the book of Revelation was written ca. 95 CE there was a strong church there (Rev. 2:18-29).

One explanation is that it appeared that at the time of the report a part (a minority) of the Church was following a woman called, symbolically, Jezebel, claiming to be a prophetess. She taught and led them into immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols. She was unrepentant and it appears that the rest of the Church was tolerating this. Aside from this explanation we will see there is a much more real and persuasive explanation (cf. No. 283).

The problem was not confined to Thyatira. It was found at Ephesus and Pergamum (Rev. 2:6, 14-15). So guilds cannot be the sole explanation. Libertinism was a threat to the Christian faith encountered by Paul and continually in later decades. The pagan world usually lacked a clear sense of monotheism and of the tie between faith and moral living. At times it defended itself by a dualism that excused all physical indulgences as unrelated to spiritual life.  There are elements of the Thyatiran system scattered throughout Eastern Europe although they have no formal tasks and lampstand now.

It was hard for a small minority to cut itself off from the friendships and social life that assumed the legitimacy of polytheism and undisciplined physical indulgence. However, the Christian faith was at stake in this decision, and the writer of Revelation pointed to the necessity of breaking with polytheistic and immoral practices (Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, article ‘Thyatira’, Vol.4, p.638-639).

The argument for Thyatira as an era and regarding Jezebel below is much more credible (cf. No. 283).

Chapter 3

1“And to the angel of the church in Sardis write: These are the words of him who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars: “I know your works; you have a name of being alive, but you are dead. 2Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is on the point of death, for I have not found your works perfect in the sight of my God. 3Remember then what you received and heard; obey it, and repent. If you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come to you. 4Yet you have still a few persons in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes; they will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy. 5If you conquer, you will be clothed like them in white robes, and I will not blot your name out of the book of life; I will confess your name before my Father and before his angels. 6Let anyone who has an ear listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches. 7“And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of the holy one, the true one, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, who shuts and no one opens: 8“I know your works. Look, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. 9I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but are lying—I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you. 10Because you have kept my word of patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth. 11I am coming soon; hold fast to what you have, so that no one may seize your crown. 12If you conquer, I will make you a pillar in the temple of my God; you will never go out of it. I will write on you the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem that comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name. 13Let anyone who has an ear listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches. 14“And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the origin of God’s creation: 15“I know your works; you are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were either cold or hot. 16So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17For you say, “I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing.’ You do not realize that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. 18Therefore I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire so that you may be rich; and white robes to clothe you and to keep the shame of your nakedness from being seen; and salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see. 19I reprove and discipline those whom I love. Be earnest, therefore, and repent. 20Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me. 21To the one who conquers I will give a place with me on my throne, just as I myself conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. 22Let anyone who has an ear listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches.”

Intent of Chapter 3

Verses 1-6: Note that Sardis is in a sequence of six, which is the number of man, and is dead, and thus the Spirit of God does not complete its work in this edifice (cf. also 283).  Sardis may appear in the OT in Obadiah 20 as Sepharad, as a place where exiles from Jerusalem were living during the fifth century BCE. In 334 BCE the city surrendered to Alexander, who left a garrison in the acropolis. Sardis remained the administrative centre under the Seleucid Dynasty. In the struggle of the usurper Achaeus against Antiochus III the lower city was burned (216 BCE). Sardis was yielded to the Romans in 189 BCE and put under Pergamene rule until 133 BCE. Under the Romans, Sardis became the centre of a conventus iuridicus, which encompassed a large number of Lydian cities. It enjoyed great prosperity in the first three centuries CE. Trade and industry flourished. After the earthquake of 17 CE, Tiberius facilitated reconstruction by his munificence (Tac.Ann. II.24). Hadrian visited Sardis in 123.

From the first century onwards Christianity gained in Sardis. Melito, bishop of Sardis in the time of Marcus Aurelius, wrote a large number of treatises, one of which, a sermon, has recently been recovered in the Chester Beatty Papyri. After the reorganisation of Asia by Diocletian in 297 CE, Sardis became the capital of the revived district of Lydia, seat of the governor and of the archbishop of Sardis, who was metropolitan.

The Arabs conquered Sardis in 716. It continued to be inhabited even after its destruction by Tamerlane in 1403. At present it is the site of a small village, which still preserves the name of Sart.

Sardis is referred to as being dead but is operational as a so-called Christian centre at the return of the Messiah. Once again we cannot be referring to the local church at this site (cf. No. 283).

It says in 3:1 that it has the name that it is living but it is dead. No church has ever taken the name Living Church until it was taken by the Living Church of God under Roderick Meredith in 1997/8 in the US.

Verses 7-13: Philadelphia also is in a sequence of six, which springs from Sardis and completes a sequence of twelve. It then has the seventh element added onto its message, which again emphasises that the Spirit is speaking to all the Churches (v. 13) that are also symbolised by the twelve Tribes and the twelve Apostles who head those tribes as the foundation of the Temple of God.

Again as we also see in (No. 283) Philadelphia (modern Alashehir) was a Roman province of Lydia. Its strategic location was one of the main reasons for its Hellenistic foundation. A communication link was needed from Pergamum via Sardis and Philadelphia to the Maeander Valley and the south highway.

The administration of Philadelphia belonged to the district of Sardis, which maintained its status as the leading city of Lydia. The prosperity of Philadelphia was based on agriculture as well as from textile and leather production. In the fifth century CE the city was nicknamed “little Athens” because of its festivals and cults.

The glory of Philadelphia as a stronghold of Christianity was renewed in the days of the Seljuk and Ottoman attacks on the Byzantine Empire. Philadelphia maintained itself as an isolated Christian city in conquered territory and withstood two sieges with heroism. When it fell in 1391, it surrendered to the combined forces of Beyazit I and his Greek supporters under Manuel II (Interpreter’s Dictionary, ibid., pp. 781-2).

The name means ‘brotherly love’ and commemorates the loyalty and devotion of Attalus II (220-130 BCE) to his brother Eumenes II.

The Church of Philadelphia is alive at the return of Christ and, whilst having little strength, it is highly praised. There are a number of aspects that are praised and a number of promises that are given that require further examination (cf. No. 283).

Verses 14-22: The seventh sequence is commenced with the message to Laodicea.

Once again this sequence is six, ending in the call to repentance (v. 19). The seventh is the call to respond, and the promise of Christ to eat with him (v. 20). In other words, to redeem him annually on repentance, through the Lord’s Supper. The eighth verse of the sequence then conveys the promise on overcoming in conquest (v. 21).

Verse 22 is the final verse in the chapter. It is the number of completeness, there being 22 letters to the Hebrew alphabet, and the structure of prophecy is also based on that number as well as twelve.

Again as we see from No. 283: Laodicea (modern Pamukkale) was located on the ancient highway leading up from Ephesus through the Maeander and Lycus valleys to the east and ultimately to Syria. Pliny gives the earlier names of Laodicea as Diospolis or Rhoas, the latter perhaps standing for a Phrygian village in this area. As a city Laodicea was founded by the Seleucids, presumably ca. 250 BCE by Antiochus II, who named it after his wife Laodice. Because of its strategic location it was meant to be a Seleucid stronghold.  In 190 BCE Laodicea came under Pergamenian rule, which meant some decline for the city. However, their prosperity increased under the Romans after 133 BCE when the city was allowed to develop its economic and commercial potential.

Laodicea’s wealth came from fertile land and good grazing grounds for the sheep, a textile industry and a medical school. The wealth from this prosperous region led to the development of financial operations and banking in Laodicea. The city struck its own coins from the second century BCE on, with iconographic references to the local river gods and cults. The population of the city included Greek-speaking Syrians, Romans, and Romanized natives as well as a prominent and wealthy Jewish contingent. In 62 BCE by order of the governor Flaccus, the annual contributions, which the Jews were accustomed to send to Jerusalem, were seized and sent to Rome. The special rights of the Jews were abolished in 70 CE. That was from the impact of the Jewish revolt at Jerusalem and the consequent destruction of the Temple there. The early Christians in Laodicea had association with those in Colossae and Hierapolis. The city suffered in the wars of Seljuks and Turks and was abandoned soon after the thirteenth century. (Interpreter’s Dictionary, ibid., pp. 70-71)

Its major weakness was a lack of an adequate water supply.

Sardis under its demarcation church having the name that it is Living, was pronounced dead and it was seen as unfit for the kingdom of God. The criticism of Laodicea was as poor pitiable blind and naked stemmed from its spiritual weakness; even though it was the most powerful of the Churches of God in the last days. There is no church extant at Laodicea, nor at Philadelphia, nor at Sardis. Thus we are speaking of the end eras of the faith and not of small or non-existent Muslim towns in Turkey. The concept that this city was alive at the return of the Messiah was untrue. The ruins of the city were not even really visible until its excavations in the last thirty years. Thus the prophecy must be speaking also of eras and not the specific places mentioned in the texts. (cf. No. 283)

Chapter 4

1After this I looked, and there in heaven a door stood open! And the first voice, which I had heard speaking to me like a trumpet, said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.” 2At once I was in the spirit, and there in heaven stood a throne, with one seated on the throne! 3And the one seated there looks like jasper and carnelian, and around the throne is a rainbow that looks like an emerald. 4Around the throne are twenty-four thrones, and seated on the thrones are twenty-four elders, dressed in white robes, with golden crowns on their heads. 5Coming from the throne are flashes of lightning, and rumblings and peals of thunder, and in front of the throne burn seven flaming torches, which are the seven spirits of God; 6and in front of the throne there is something like a sea of glass, like crystal. Around the throne, and on each side of the throne, are four living creatures, full of eyes in front and behind: 7the first living creature like a lion, the second living creature like an ox, the third living creature with a face like a human face, and the fourth living creature like a flying eagle. 8And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings, are full of eyes all around and inside. Day and night without ceasing they sing, “Holy, holy, holy, the Lord God the Almighty, who was and is and is to come.” 9And whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to the one who is seated on the throne, who lives forever and ever, 10the twenty-four elders fall before the one who is seated on the throne and worship the one who lives forever and ever; they cast their crowns before the throne, singing, 11“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.”

Intent of Chapter 4: (cf. also 4:1-5:14 for the full visions of God and the Lamb).

Verses 1-5: This next chapter in the text deals with the aspects of prophecy and the Government of God. In verse one the text shows the command (cf. also 1:10), and in verse two the response on obedience in the Spirit (throne: (cf. Ezek. 1:26-28). The third in the sequence is to see God (described in terms of precious gems), and then the Government is explained in the fourth verse as the Government is in four elements with two lots of twelve making up the twenty-four Elders around the Throne of God. The crowns indicate rule and authority.

The fifth verse shows power and indicates grace. It is in this section that the Seven Spirits of God are before the Throne as seven torches of fire. These are the spirits of understanding of the use of the Power of God.

Verses 6-8: It is through the Seven Spirits of God that mankind can be educated and redeemed. They are thus sixth in the sequence, and the four Living Creatures (Ezek. 1:5,10) are also comprised of those redeemed from the Earth. The seventh element goes on to explain them. The eighth element shows their rank and their purpose. (six wings… holy, holy, holy (Isa. 6:3)

Verses 9-11: The next three verses or elements show the leadership in honour and worship given to God as Creator and God of the creation. This section is in eleven elements in that eleven is the halfway point to completeness and it is at this point we have two elohim qualified to rule, but none to redeem them from death; and the Host needed one of them to redeem them all from the rebellion. The Plan of God had to be implemented but there was no one worthy. The tribute is to God from verse 11 which acknowledges that these matters existed in God’s mind from all eternity.

Chapter 5

1Then I saw in the right hand of the one seated on the throne a scroll written on the inside and on the back, sealed with seven seals; 2and I saw a mighty angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?” 3And no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or to look into it. 4And I began to weep bitterly because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or to look into it. 5Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep. See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals.” 6Then I saw between the throne and the four living creatures and among the elders a Lamb standing as if it had been slaughtered, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth. 7He went and took the scroll from the right hand of the one who was seated on the throne. 8When he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell before the Lamb, each holding a harp and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. 9They sing a new song: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slaughtered and by your blood you ransomed for God saints from every tribe and language and people and nation; 10you have made them to be a kingdom and priests serving our God, and they will reign on earth.” 11Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels surrounding the throne and the living creatures and the elders; they numbered myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands, 12singing with full voice, “Worthy is the Lamb that was slaughtered to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!” 13Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, singing, “To the one seated on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!” 14And the four living creatures said, “Amen!” And the elders fell down and worshiped.

Intent of Chapter 5:

Verses 1-4: In the first four sections the call to worthiness is exclaimed and there was none worthy. The fifth section is one of Grace again where the Lion of Judah and root and offspring of David was found worthy (v. 5). This was at his resurrection from the dead when he was at the Wave Sheaf Offering on Sunday at 9 AM awaiting acceptance on 9 April 30 CE before the Throne of God when he was accepted as the Lamb of God worthy to open the seal.

Verse 6: In the sixth element we see the Lamb slain who was standing between God and the four Living Creatures showing his authority over all the creation acting for God. He had seven horns, which is the number of the Churches symbolising the rule of the saints as kings and priests. The seven eyes are the Seven Spirits of God by which he controls and monitors the creation and the elect of God.

(cf. The Wave Sheaf Offering (No. 106b) and The Forty Days Following Christ’s Resurrection (No. 159A)).

Verses 7-8: The seventh sequence shows the fulfilment of his important task and the receipt of authority and power over the Plan of God. The eighth in the sequence shows his commencement to rule with the power received from the right hand of God.

Verses 9-12: From the ninth sequence after Christ had completed his task and qualified to rule, a new song is given the elect of the Host. They are acknowledged as being redeemed and they shall reign on Earth as kings and priests. This sequence is three times three and of itself has a spiritual significance of completeness in the Holy Spirit. The twelfth verse completes the section on the qualification and the power of the Lamb.

Verses 13-14: The thirteenth and fourteenth verses show the completion of the glory of God and the Lamb who redeemed us and received power and authority to rule from his God and Father and our God and Father.

The Lamb then opens the Seven Seals and these are examined in the papers The Seven Seals (No. 140) and The Seven Trumpets (No. 141).

These seven divisions of the text detail the Plan of God under the Seven Spirits of God.

Revelation chapter 8 is the eighth division in the culmination of the Plan of God under the authority of Christ. It concerns the Seventh Seal and when that is opened the prayers of the saints are poured out on the altar of God. The twenty-four Elders had responsibility for those prayers. The seven angels of the Seven Churches are then given authority and the trumpets of the power of God to summon and to destroy.


Bullinger’s Notes on Revelation Chs. 1-5 (for KJV)

Chapter 1

Verse 1

The . . . Christ. The Divine title of the Book.

The Revelation = Revelation. Greek. apokalupsis, whence our “Apocalypse”. App-106 and App-197.

Jesus Christ. App-98.

unto = to.

shew = point out. First occurrence Matthew 4:8. Compare Revelation 22:6. servants, servant. App-190. The word is peculiarly appropriated to Israel throughout O.T., and in this Book is used (fourteen times) as the proper title of those who are its subjects. Contrast “servants” and “sons”, Romans 8:14-17Galatians 1:4Galatians 1:1-71 John 3:1.

things, &c. = what things must needs come to pass. See Daniel 2:29 (Septuagint)

shortly = with (Greek. en) speed.

sent = having sent. App-174.

Verse 2

record = witness. See p. 1511. The verb Occurs only here and Revelation 22:16Revelation 22:20 in Rev.

the word of God. Thus a direct prophetic communication, as 1 Samuel 9:271 Kings 12:221 Chronicles 17:3. Yet Compare Revelation 1:9Revelation 6:9Revelation 19:13Revelation 20:4.

word. App-121.

testimony = witness. See John 1:7 and p. 1511.

and, &c. Not merely “heard” but saw in vision.

all things that = whatsoever things.

saw. App-133.

Verse 3

Blessed = Happy. Greek. makarios, by which the Septuagint renders the Hebrew “ashrey. See App-63. First of seven occurance in Rev. (fifty in N.T.)

this = the.

prophecy. Occurs seven times (App-10) in Rev.

keep. See Luke 2:19Luke 2:51. Occurs eleven times in Rev.

those = the.

therein = in (Greek. en) it.

time. Greek. kairos. Compare App-195.

Verse 4

seven. See App-10and App-197.

churches. Greek. ekklesia. App-120and App-186.

  1. App-104.

Asia. Not Europe, and consequently not Christendom.

Grace. App-184.

from. App-104.

Him. . . come. Greek paraphrase of “Jehovah”. See App-4.

Which = Who, and so throughout Revelation.

Spirits. App-101.

Verse 5

faithful. App-150. Compare Isaiah 55:4.

Witness. Greek. martus. See Revelation 3:14 and p. 1511.

First Begotten. See Romans 8:29Hebrews 1:6. Compare Psalms 2:7Acts 13:331 Corinthians 15:20Colossians 1:18.

of the dead. App-139. The texts omit ek.

Prince = Ruler. See John 12:31.

kings, &c. See Revelation 6:16 and Psalms 89:27Psalms 89:37.

earth. App-129.

loved. The texts read “loveth”. App-135.

washed. The texts read “loosed”. App-95.:1; note 2, p 138.

from. Greek. ek. App-104.

sins. App-128. Elsewhere in Revelation 18:4Revelation 18:5.

in = by. Greek. en. App-104.

Verse 6

hath. Omit.

kings and priests = (to be) a kingdom (so all texts) and (to be) priests. See Revelation 5:10Revelation 20:6Exodus 19:6 (Septuagint “a royal priesthood”)

Father. See App-98.

glory = the glory. See p. 1511.

dominion = the dominion. App-172.

for ever, &c. App-151. a. First of fourteen occurances: (including Revelation 14:11).

Amen = even (the) Amen: See Revelation 3:14.

Verse 7

Behold. App-133.

with. App-104.

clouds = the clouds.

eye. Figure of speech Synecdoche (App-6), for person.

see. App-133.

they, &c. Allusion to Zechariah 12:10.

pierced. Compare John 19:34.

kindreds = tribes, as Matthew 19:28Matthew 24:30; &c. Greek. phule.

because of. Greek. epi. App-104. See Zechariah 12:10.

Even so = Yea.

Verse 8

Alpha and Omega = The Alpha and the Omega. See Revelation 1:17Revelation 22:13.

the . . . ending. The texts omit.

LORD. The texts read “LORD God” (see App-4).

LORD. App-98.

Almighty App-98. The Greek word occurs nine (App-10) times in Rev. Only once elsewhere (2 Corinthians 6:18) in N.T.

Verse 9

who also am. Omit.

companion = partaker, as Romans 11:17Philippians 1:1Philippians 1:7; &c.

tribulation = the tribulation. Here; Revelation 2:9Revelation 2:10Revelation 2:22Revelation 7:14.

in the. The texts omit.

kingdom and patience. With this “kingdom” the “tribulation” is specially connected. Figure of speech Hendiatris (App-6). See Acts 14:22.

patience. Occurs seven times in Rev. Compare Luke 21:192 Thessalonians 3:5.

  1. The texts read “in”(Greek. en).

Jesus. App-98.

Christ. The texts omit.

was = came to be.

Patimos. An island (mod. Patino) about thirty miles south-west of Samos.

for. App-104. Revelation 1:2. Nothing to indicate that John had been “banished”.

for. The texts omit.

Christ. The texts omit.

Verse 10

Spirit. App-101. See Revelation 4:2Revelation 17:3Revelation 21:10.

on = in (Greek. en).

the Lord”s day = the day of the Lord (Isaiah 2:12, &c), the Hebrew terms for which are equivalent to the Greek he kuriake hemera, the Lord”s day. Occurances: 1 Thessalonians 5:22 Thessalonians 2:2 (with texts). 2 Peter 3:16. Not our Sunday.

trumpet. In O.T. connected with war and the day of the Lord. See Zephaniah 1:14-16; &c. This verse (10) is the key to understanding the book of Revelation: John was taken “in the power of The Holy Spirit”, from (A.D. 96) on to a time past this present time, to the future (“the day of the Lord”), and shown things both past and that are future.

Verse 11

I am . . . last: and. The texts omit.

seest. App-133.

  1. Greek. eis.

book = roll, or scroll, as Revelation 6:14.

send. App-174.

which . . . Asia. The texts omit.

unto. Greek. eis, as above.

Verse 12

voice. The Speaker (Figures of speech Metonymy of Effect, and Catachresis. App-6). See Revelation 1:10.

spake = was speaking.

being = having.

candlesticks = larnpstands. Occurs seven times in Rev.

Verse 13

the. Omit.

Son of Man. See App-98and App-99.

about. Greek. pros.

paps = breasts.

Verse 14

His head. Read “And His head”.

like. The texts read “as”. Compare this and the following verses: with Ezekiel 1:7Daniel 7:9Daniel 10:6.

Verse 15

fine brass. Only here and Revelation 2:18.

as . . . burned = as glowing.

furnace. Only here; Revelation 9:2Matthew 13:42Matthew 13:50.

voice . . . waters. See Revelation 1:10Revelation 14:2Revelation 19:6Ezekiel 1:24Ezekiel 43:2.

voice. Same word as “sound”. Greek. phone.

Verse 16

He had = having.

stars. See Revelation 1:20.

out . . . sword. For the Figure compare Psalms 55:21Psalms 57:4Psalms 59:7. The significance is seen in Isaiah 11:4Isaiah 49:22 Thessalonians 2:8. See also Revelation 2:12Revelation 2:16Revelation 19:15Revelation 19:21Luke 19:27.

twoedged. Compare Hebrews 4:12.

sword. Greek. rhomphaia. Occurs only in Rev. (six times) and Luke 2:35.

countenance. Greek. opsis. Only here; John 7:24John 11:44.

strength. App-172.1; Revelation 176:1.

Verse 17

fell. Greek. pipto. See Revelation 7:16 (light).

  1. Greek. pros.App-104.

dead = one dead. App-139.

unto me. The texts omit.

I am . . . Last. Compare Isaiah 41:4Isaiah 43:10Isaiah 44:6Isaiah 48:11Isaiah 48:12.

Verse 18

I . . . liveth = And the Living One.

liveth, alive. App-170.

and. Read “and yet”.

was = became.

dead. See App-139.

I am alive = Living (emph.) am I.

Amen. Omit.

hell. . . death. The texts read “death and of hell”.

hell = grave. App-131. See Revelation 20:13 (margin) 1 Corinthians 15:55. Revised Version transliterates the Greek word hades.

Verse 19

Write. The texts add “therefore”.

hast seen = sawest, as Revelation 1:2.

the . . . are = what thoy are, i.e. what they signify.

and = even.

shall be = are about to happen.

hereafter. Literally after (Greek. meta.) these things (Greek. tauta). Hebrew idiom; compare Genesis 22:1. First of ten occurrences in Rev.

Verse 20

mystery = secret symbol. See App-193.

stars. Greek. aster, occurs fourteen times in Rev. (App-10)

  1. Greek. epi.

are = represent, or signify.

the. Omit.

angels. App-120. Revelation 1:2.

which . . . sawest. The texts omit.

the. Omit.

Chapter 2

Verse 1

Unto = To.

angel. See Revelation 1:20.

church. App-186.

Ephesus. Not for those addressed in Ephesians, on whom all blessing is bestowed by grace. Here blessing is promised to overcomers only.

holdeth. Occurs eight times in Rev. Compare App-172. See Colossians 2:19Hebrews 4:14; &c.

seven stars. See Revelation 1:16Revelation 1:20.

candlesticks. See Revelation 1:12Revelation 1:13, and compare Leviticus 26:12Deuteronomy 23:14, &c. 2 Corinthians 6:16.

Verse 2

works. The Lord deals according to works in “the day of the Lord”. See Isaiah 66:18.

thy. Omit.

labour = toil. The verb in Revelation 2:3 and Matthew 6:28.

patience. As in Revelation 2:3 with Revelation 1:9. See Romans 2:7.

bear. Gr. bastazo. In Rev. here, Revelation 2:3Revelation 17:7 (carrieth).

evil. App-128.

hast tried = didst try.

say they. The texts read “call themselves”.

apostles. App-189.

hast found = didst find.

liars. Greek. pseudes. Only here; Revelation 21:8Acts 6:13.

Verse 3

hast, &c. The texts read “and hast patient endurance and didst bear (Revelation 2:2) for”, &c.

for . . . sake. App-104. Revelation 2:2.

name”s. See Acts 6:41.

fainted = wearied. Greek. kamno. Only here; Hebrews 12:3James 5:15 (sick).

Verse 4

hast left = didst leave.

thy, &c. Compare Deuteronomy 7:7-9Jeremiah 2:1Jeremiah 2:2Ezekiel 16:6-10.

love. App-135. Only here and Revelation 2:19 in Rev.

Verse 5

from. Omit.

art fallen = hast fallen.

repent. Compare Leviticus 26:40-42Deuteronomy 30:1-3Daniel 9:3Daniel 9:4Matthew 4:17Acts 2:38; &c. Contrast Ephesians 1:3. App-111.

else = if (App-118) not (App-105).

will. Omit.

quickly. The texts omit.

remove = move, as Revelation 6:14.

except. If (App-118) not (App-105).

Verse 6

deeds = works, as Revelation 2:5.

Nicolaitanes. History has no record of these. Tradition says much. They will appear “in that day”. All we do know is that they are hateful to God.

Verse 7

He, &c. A formula used by the Lord alone. See App-142.

Spirit App-101.

saith = is saying.

overcometh. See John 16:33. The verb nikao, to conquer or overcome, occurs seventeen times in Rev.

the tree, &c. the tree of the life. Promise fulfilled Revelation 22:14, where also the articles differentiate from Ezekiel 47:12.

tree. Literally wood. Greek. xulon, as used frequently in Septuagint, e.g. Exodus 7:25.

life. App-170.

Paradise of God. See reference in App-173. Paradise is always used in Scripture for a definite place; is described in Gen 2; lost in Gen 3; its restoration spoken of by the Lord in Luke 23:43; seen in vision by Paul, 2 Corinthians 12:22 Corinthians 12:4; promised here, Revelation 2:7; restored, Revelation 22:1-5Revelation 22:14-17.

God. App-98.

Verse 8

Smyrna. About fifty miles north-west of Ephesus. A great centre now of Levantine trade.

First . . . Last. See Revelation 1:17.

was = became.

dead. App-139.

is alive = lived (again). See App-170.

Verse 9

works, and. The texts omit.

poverty. See App-127.

Jews. Only here, and Revelation 3:9 in Rev.

the = a.

synagogue. App-120.

Satan. See App-19.

Verse 10

none of = not. App-105.

shalt = art about to.

behold. App-133.

devil. See Revelation 12:9.

shall = is about to.

that = in order that. Gr. hina.

tried = tested. Compare Matthew 10:22Matthew 24:9Matthew 24:10; &c.

days. Not “periods”. Compare Genesis 7:4Genesis 7:10Numbers 14:33; &c.

be = become.

faithful. App-150.

unto = until. Greek. achri.

death. See Revelation 12:11.

a = the.

crown. Greek. Stephanos. See 1 Peter 5:4.

Verse 11

hurt See Revelation 22:11.

second death. See Revelation 20:6Revelation 20:14Revelation 21:8.

Verse 12

Pergamos. A city of Mysia famous for the worship of Aesculapius, to whom the title of soter (saviour) was given and whose emblem was the serpent. Identified with Apollo; compare Acts 16:16. Some trace the Babylonian pagan priesthood as removing to Pergamos. there them that 1hold the doctrine

He Which hath, &c. See Revelation 1:16.

Verse 13

thy works, and. The texts omit.

dwellest, dwelleth. Greek. katoikeo, to take up abode. See Acts 2:5.

seat = throne. Compare Revelation 13:2Revelation 16:10.

holdest fast. Same as hold, Revelation 2:1.

hast . . . denied = didst . . . deny.

denied. Greek. arneomai. First occurrence Matthew 10:33.

My faith. See Revelation 14:12.

faith. See App-150.

wherein. Most texts omit.

Antipas. A witness in future who will be faithful unto death. Mentioned proleptically.

faithful. App-150.

martyr = witness. See Revelation 1:5.

among. Greek. para. App-104.

Verse 14

Balaam. See Num 22-25. Joshua 13:22.

cast, &c. See Numbers 25:1, &c.; Revelation 31:16, &c. 2 Peter 2:15Jude 1:11.

stumblingblock. Greek. skandalon. See Numbers 25 (Septuagint)

children. App-108.

things . . . idols. Greek. eidolothuton.

Verse 15

which . . . hate. The texts omit, and read “in like manner”.

Verse 16

will. Omit.

fight = make war. Greek. polemeo. Occ only in Rev. and James. A threat which is not addressed to the Church of this age.

against. Greek. meta. App-104.

with. Greek. en. App-104.

Verse 17

to eat of. The texts omit.

hidden. Greek. krupto, as in Colossians 3:3.

manna. See John 6:58. Compare Exodus 16:14Exodus 16:32-34Psalms 78:24Psalms 78:25.

stone. Greek. psephos. See Acts 26:10. A white stone was known to the ancients as a “victory” stone.

  1. Greek. epi. App-104.

new name. Compare Revelation 3:12. See Isaiah 62:2Isaiah 65:15, and compare Acts 10:17.

new. See Matthew 9:17.

no man = no one. Greek. oudeis.

knoweth. App-132. as the texts.

Saving. Same as else, Revelation 2:5.

receiveth. As in John 3:27.

Verse 18

Thyatira. A town lying between Pergamos and Sardis. See Acts 16:14. Another centre of Apollo and Artemis worship.

Son of God. App-98.

feet . . . brass. Prepared for treading down in judgment. See Revelation 1:15. Ma Revelation 1:4Revelation 1:3 and fulfillment in Revelation 19:13-15.

Verse 19

and. These “ands” form the Figure of speech Polysyndeton. App-6.

charity = love, as Revelation 2:4.

service. App-190.

faith. App-150.

Verse 20

a few things. Omit.

that = the.

Jezebel. See 1 Kings 16:30-341 Kings 21:25. This patroness of Baal-worship will have her sinister antitype in the future.

prophetess. Only here and Luke 2:36 (Anna) in NT.

to teach, &c. The texts read “and she teacheth and seduceth”.

seduce. App-128.

servants. App-190.

Verse 21

space = time. Greek. chronos. See Revelation 6:11Revelation 20:3, and App-195.

to repent = in order that (Greek. hina) she might repent. and she, &c. The texts read, “and she is not willing to repent of her fornication”.

Verse 22

will = do.

tribulation. Compare Romans 2:8Romans 2:9Romans 2:16.

their = her, according to some texts.

Verse 23

children. App-108.

death. i.e. pestilence, as Revelation 6:8Revelation 18:8.

know. App-132.

searcheth, &c. Compare 1 Kings 8:39Jeremiah 11:20Jeremiah 17:10Jeremiah 20:12.

every = each.

according to. App-104.

Verse 24

and. Omit.

rest. App-124.

depths. Compare 2 Corinthians 2:11.

I will put . . . none. Read “I lay not” (App-105.)

other. See App-124.

Verse 25

already. Omit.

come = shall have come.

Verse 26

keepeth. See Revelation 1:3.

end. See Matthew 24:13. Compare App-125.

power. App-172.

over. App-104.

nations. Greek. ethnos. Genitive translation Gentiles.

Verse 27

rule. Literally “shepherd”, as Matthew 2:6. See Psalms 2:7-9.

rod = sceptre, as Hebrews 1:8. Greek. rhabdos.

as the, &c. See Psalms 2:9.

even as I = as I also.

received = have received.

  1. Greek. para.App-104.

Father. App-98.

Chapter 3

Verse 1

unto = to.

angel . . . church. See Revelation 1:20.

Sardis. The ancient capital of Lydia. Its commercial activity attracted merchants from all parts of Asia. The remains of a vast temple to Cybele (the “mother of the gods”) still exist.

seven Spirits. See Revelation 1:4.

God. App-98.

seven, &c. See Revelation 1:20.

stars. See Revelation 1:16.

a name, &c. Not suited for this dispensation of grace, for Christ”s people now live “in Him”. We who were dead are now alive in Christ.

livest. See App-170.

dead. App-139.

Verse 2

Be = Become.

watchful. See Matthew 24:42.

the . . . remain = the remaining (things). App-124.

are = were, with the texts.

perfect. App-125.

Verse 3

hold fast. Greek. tereo. Same as “keep” in Revelation 1:3.

repent. See Revelation 2:5.

on thee. The texts omit.

as, &c. See Revelation 16:151 Thessalonians 5:22 Peter 3:10.

know. App-132. These words are not addressed to the members of the “church which is His body” (Ephesians 1:22Ephesians 1:23). See 2 Thessalonians 2:11 Timothy 3:16. We do not “watch” for the “thief”, but “wait” for the Lord.

Verse 4

Thou. The texts read “But thou”.

even. The texts omit.

have, &c. = defiled not.

defiled. Greek. moluno. Only here; Revelation 14:41 Corinthians 8:7. The noun Occurs only in 2 Corinthians 7:1.

garments. Greek. himation. First of seven occurances: (see App-197) in Rev.

worthy. See App-197.

Verse 5

overcometh. See Revelation 2:7.

the same. The texts read “thus”.

blot out. Occurances: Revelation 7:17Revelation 21:4 (wipe away). Acts 3:19Colossians 2:14.

book, &c. See Philippians 4:3.

life. App-170.

but = and.

confess, &c. See Matthew 10:32.

Father. App-98.

Verse 6

He, &c. See Revelation 2:7.

Verse 7

Philadelphia. About thirty miles south-east of Sardis. Very little known of it beyond a few references in Pliny, but the Greek name indicates a Macedonian population.

Holy = The Holy One. See Revelation 4:8. Compare Hosea 11:9, &c. The Greek hagios occurs twenty-six times in Rev. See App-197.

True. App-175.

key of David. See Isaiah 22:22.

no man = no one. Greek. oudeis.

Verse 8

behold. App-133.

set = given.

strength App-172.1; Revelation 176:1.

hast kept = didst keep. Same word as “hold fast”, Revelation 3:3.

word App-121.

hast not denied = didst not deny.

My name. In opposition to confessing (See Revelation 2:13) the name of the beast, Revelation 13:17Revelation 14:9Revelation 14:11Revelation 14:12.

Verse 9

will make = give.

synagogue, &c. See Revelation 2:9.

Satan. App-19, and See Revelation 2:9.

Jews. See Revelation 2:9.

make. i.e. compel.

worship. Greek. proskuneo. App-137. Occurs twenty-four times (App-10) in Rev. Twelve times connected with worship of God, eleven times with worship of Satan and the beast, and here.

have. Omit.

loved. App-135.

Verse 10

temptation = trial. Greek. peirasmos. Only occurrence in Rev.

shall = is about to.

world. App-129.

try = test. Greek. peirazo. Here, and Revelation 2:2Revelation 2:10.

earth. App-129. Compare Zephaniah 1:14-18.

Verse 11

Behold. Omit.

hold . . . fast. Same Greek. word as Revelation 2:1Revelation 2:13Revelation 2:14Revelation 2:15Revelation 2:25, not as Revelation 3:3.

that = in order that. Greek. hina.

no rnan = no one. Greek. medeis. These words do not relate to such as through grace are perfect “in Him”. See Romans 8:38Romans 8:39.

Verse 12

Temple = sanctuary. Greek. naos. See Matthew 23:16 and App-88.

upon. App-104.

new Jerusalem. See Revelation 21:2Revelation 21:3Revelation 21:10. Compare Psalms 48:1Psalms 48:2Psalms 48:8Psalms 48:9Ezekiel 48:35. See App-88and App-197.4.

new, new. Greek. kainos. See Matthew 9:17.

heaven. See Matthew 6:9. Occurs fifty-two times in Rev., always in sing, save Revelation 12:12.

new name. See Revelation 14:1Revelation 22:4Isaiah 62:2Isaiah 65:15. Contrast the name branded on the worshippers of the beast, Revelation 13:16Revelation 14:11Revelation 19:20Revelation 20:4.

Verse 14

of, &c. = in (Greek. en) Laodicea (an important city of Phrygia, a few miles west of Colosse. Rebuilt by Antiochus II, and named after his wife, Laodice).

the Amen. A Hebrew word transliterated. See 2 Corinthians 1:20 and p. 1511.

faithful. App-150.

Witness. See p. 1511.

beginning. App-172. Compare Proverbs 8:22-31Colossians 1:15-19.

Verse 16

lukewarm. Greek. chliaros. Only here.

will = am about to.

spue. Greek. emeo. Only here. Occurs: Isaiah 19:14 (Septuagint)

Verse 17

nothing. Greek. oudeis.

knowest. App-132.

wretched = the wretched one. See Romans 7:24, and compare Hosea 2:11Hosea 5:15.

poor. App-127.

Verse 18

buy. The members of the church of this dispensation have nothing to buy and nothing to pay with; our salvation is the free-grace gift of God.

the. Omit.

fire. Compare Haggai 2:8Zechariah 13:9Malachi 3:3.

be clothed = clothe thyself.

do not appear = be not (App-105) made manifest (App-106). Compare Revelation 16:15.

see. App-133.

Verse 19

love. App-135. This is preceded by Greek. ean (App-118. a). Compare Isaiah 43:4; &c.

rebuke = convict. Greek. elencho. See John 16:8.

Verse 20

stand. Literally have taken my station.

knock. The call to the wedding feast (Revelation 19:9), to which the parables pointed, e.g. Luke 12:35-38 “when He cometh and knocketh”. The popular belief that the Lord is ever knocking at the hearts of sinners is a distortion of Scripture akin to blasphemy.

any man. App-123.

sup, &c. A gracious promise to His servants (See Revelation 1:1). See Luke 12:37.

Verse 21

am set down = sat down. See Acts 2:33Acts 2:34Ephesians 1:20Ephesians 1:21Hebrews 1:8Hebrews 8:1. The Lord now stands (Rev 1), and is about to come down in judgment.

Chapter 4

Verse 1

After. App-104.

this = these things, as Revelation 1:19.

looked. App-133.

behold. App-133.

was opened. i.e. already opened.

heaven. See Revelation 3:12.

first. Greek.”former”. See Revelation 1:10.

it were. Omit.

things = what things.

which. Omit.

be = come to pass.

hereafter = after (Greek. meta, above) these things.

Verse 2

was = became, came to be. See Revelation 1:9Revelation 1:10.

in the Spirit. i.e. in or by the power of the Spirit, as Revelation 1:10.

Spirit. App-101.

sat = sitting.

Verse 3

look upon. Compare App-133.

jasper = jasper stone. According to Pliny, this stone was translucent.

sardine stone = sardius stone. A precious stone from Sardis, red in color.

rainbow. Greek. iris. Only here and Revelation 10:1. In Genesis 9:13Ezekiel 1:28, &c, the Septuagint uses toxon, bow, for the Hebrew kesheth.

insight. Same words as “to look upon”, above.

unto = to.

emerald. Only here. A kindred word in Revelation 21:19, and in Exodus 28:18 with Exodus 39:8 (Septuagint)

Verse 4

four and twenty. See App-10and App-197.

seats = thrones, as Revelation 4:2. See Revelation 1:4.

saw. The texts omit.

elders. Greek. presbuteros. These are evidently heavenly beings, “a pattern” after which David arranged his twenty-four courses of the sons of Aaron (1 Chronicles 24:3-5).

they had. The texts omit.

crowns of gold. The only other wearer is the Son of Man (Revelation 14:14), a fact which proves the exalted station of these “elders”.

Verse 5

proceeded = proceed.

seven. See App-197.

lamps. App-130. See John 18:3.

burning. Greek. kaio. See John 5:55.

Spirits. App-101.

Verse 6

there was . glass. The texts read “as it were a glassy sea”.

unto = to.

round about. Greek. kuklo. In Rev. only here and Revelation 7:11. Occurs: Mark 3:34.

were. Omit.

beasts = living ones, or living creatures (as Hebrews 13:11, first occurance). Greek. zoon. Occurs twenty times (App-10). Not the word in Rev. 13 and Rev. 17. These zoa are the cherubim of Genesis 3:24Ezekiel 1:5-14. Compare Ezekiel 10:20. They are distinguished from angels (Revelation 5:8Revelation 5:11). These zoa speak of creation and of redemption also.

eyes. See Ezekiel 1:8Ezekiel 10:12.

Verse 7

had = having, as the texts.

man. App-123.

Verse 8

and they were = are.

Holy, &c. The first of the seventeen (App-10) heavenly utterances in Rev. Here, Revelation 4:8Revelation 4:11Revelation 5:9Revelation 5:10Revelation 5:12Revelation 5:13Rev 5:5. -14- (Amen); Revelation 7:10Revelation 7:12Revelation 11:15Revelation 11:17Revelation 12:10-12Revelation 14:13Revelation 15:3Revelation 19:1-3Revelation 19:4Revelation 19:5Revelation 19:6Revelation 19:7.

Holy . . . holy. God”s holiness proclaimed, prior to judgment. See Psalm 93; Psalm 97; Psalm 99, and Isaiah 6:3. Compare Numbers 6:24-26.

Almighty. See Revelation 1:8.

Verse 9

those = the.

give = shall give.

glory. See p. 1511.

That sat = the One sitting.

for ever, &c. App-151.

Verse 10

fall = shall fall.

worship = shall worship.

cast = shall cast.

Verse 11

O LORD. The texts read “our LORD and our God” (App-98.)

glory, honour, power. The texts place article “the” before each.

glory, as Revelation 4:9.

power. App-172.1; Revelation 176:1.

hast created = didst create. Greek. ktizo. In Rev. only here and Revelation 10:6.

pleasure. App-102.

are. The texts read “were”.

Chapter 5

Verse 1

saw. App-133.

in = upon. Greek. epi. App-101.

sat. See Revelation 4:2.

book. See Revelation 1:11.

backside = back. Like a papyrus sheet.

sealed = having been sealed up. Greek. katasphragizo, intensive of sphragizo, to affix a seal. Only here. Occ Job 9:7Job 37:7 (Septuagint)

seven. See App-10and App-197.

Verse 2

strong = mighty. Greek. ischuros. Compare App-172.

proclaiming. App-121.

loud = great.

worthy. See App-197.

loose. See Revelation 5:5Revelation 9:14Revelation 9:15Revelation 20:3Revelation 20:7.

Verse 3

no man = no one. Greek. oudeis.

heaven = the heaven. See Revelation 3:12.

nor, neither. Greek. oude.

earth. App-129.

under. Greek. hupokato. Occurs nine times (four in Rev.)

neither. Greek. oute.

look. App-133.:5.

Verse 4

wept = was weeping.

and to read. Texts omit.

Verse 5

elders. See Revelation 4:4.

unto = to.

behold. App-133.:2.

Lion. See Genesis 49:8-10.

of = which is of (App-104.)

tribe. Greek. phule. Same as “kindred”, Revelation 5:9.

hath. Omit.

prevailed. i.e. at Calvary. Same word as “overcome” in Rev 2and Rev 3.

to loose. The texts omit.

Verse 6

beheld. Same word as “saw”, verses: Revelation 1:2.

and lo. Omit.

beasts. The zoa of Revelation 4:6.

stood . . . Lamb = a Lamb standing.

Lamb = little Lamb. Greek. arnion. See John 21:15 and App-197.

it had = having.

horns. A symbol indicating His power. Compare 2 Samuel 22:3; &c.

Spirits. See Revelation 1:4.

God. App-98.

sent forth. App-174.

Verse 7

took = hath taken.

the book. The texts read “it”.

out of. App-104.

upon. App-104.

Verse 8

had taken = took.

every . . . them = each one.

harps. The texts read “a harp”. Greek. kithara.

vials = bowls. Greek. phiale. Word characteristic of Rev. Occurs twelve times (App-10).

odours = incense. Greek. thumiama.

are. i.e. symbolize.

prayers. App-134.

saints = the saints. Greek. hagios. See Acts 9:13.

Verse 9

new song. See Revelation 14:3.

new. See Matthew 9:17.

hast redeemed = didst purchase.

redeemed. Greek. agorazo. Always “buy”, except here and Revelation 14:3Revelation 14:4 (redeem).

  1. Most texts omit “us”, and find object in Revelation 5:10, “them”.
  2. Greek. en. App-104.

kindred = tribe, Revelation 5:5.

Verse 10

hast made = madest.

  1. See Revelation 5:9.

unto = to, or for.

kings = a kingdom, with all the texts.

priests. i.e. a priestly kingdom. See Revelation 1:6 and Hebrews 12:28.

  1. All texts read “they”.

Verse 11

ten . . . thousand = myriads of myriads. Hebraism for countless numbers. See Daniel 7:10.

Verse 12

loud = great.

power = the power. App-172.

and. The repeated “ands” in verses: Revelation 5:12Revelation 5:13 form a remarkable Polysyndeton (App-6). In Revelation 5:12 the sevenfold (App-10) ascription is noticed. Compare Revelation 4:11.

strength. App-172.

glory. See p. 1511.

Verse 13

creature = created thing. Greek. ktisma. Only here; Revelation 8:91 Timothy 4:4James 1:18.

such as are. Omit.

  1. The texts read “on”

Blessing, &c. The fourfold (App-10) ascription by the whole creation. Prefix the def. art. to each tem.

power. App-172.

for . . . ever. As Revelation 1:6.

Verse 14

four and twenty. The texts omit.

worshipped. See Revelation 3:9.

Him . . . ever. The texts omit.